Re: Opening Hood
Forum Ambassador
No springs-all arm power. On the side you want to open, the lever pushes forward to release latches and hood opens from either side. Once latch released, lift it up an inch or so and there is a safety catch about two feet from the cowl edge that you can reach and push in to clear hood when it is lifted. The holding bar will usually be in a clip on whichever side was last opened and will fit in a slot in the cowl end brace. Pushing both levers forward and having a person on each side, the entire hood can lift off.
Posted on: 2011/10/23 18:27
Re: Opening Hood
Forum Ambassador
Just make sure that before you open one side, that the other side is locked closed (handle towards the seat).
Posted on: 2011/10/23 18:46
Re: Opening Hood
Home away from home
Be sure to push the release lever all the way forward. This will raise the hood just enough to get your fingers under the edge of the hood to lift it up enough to release the safety catch. Be sure to lubricate the two rods with the springs the latch is on to prevent the edges of the hood from spliting along the edge. The springs allow the latch to move as the hood is tilted.
Posted on: 2011/10/23 19:58