Re: 6 volt AC.
Forum Ambassador
I've never seen a 6v clutch for the A6 and surprised they had them. I thought the A6s didn't arrive until after 12v cars were the norm and didn't realize it was produced early enough to be used on anything OEM that still had 6v. York compressors were used on the 6v VWs built thru the late 60s and for awhile you could find a VW clutch. Those seem to have gone extinct too even from VW places.
That Hemmings article I think is a bit misleading. The compressor used on the Cad they mention was huge compared to the A6 used thru the 60s and 70s. I am not sure what the model was but Packard used the same compressor in 53-4. Packards version was without a clutch. I have a 54 Cad version with 12v clutch in the garage. It is not the round coil assy inside the pulley configuration but rather has an external solenoid coil which pulls a lever arrangement to bring in the clutch assy.
Posted on: 2016/5/16 17:44
Re: 6 volt AC.
Home away from home
Yeah you are right there, the A6 was made way after any 6 volt systems were used on cars. maybe some sort of industrial equipment??? Who knows.
I've never seen the coil on an A6, but I assume it is encapsulated? So rewind would be out of the question then. John
Posted on: 2016/5/16 20:14