Re: Bypass vs. full flow oil filters
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You succinctly summarize the pro/con arguments of full vs partial flow filters. I've seen essentially the same discussion on the high performance Pontiac forums.
I am personally an advocate of the full flow system and for those not familiar with same, I have developed and installed same on a couple of Packard V-8s. One has to ask oneself: If the partial flow systems are so good, why has every manufacturer (who now warranties their engines for 100K+ miles) gone to the full flow design? The question answers itself. Craig
Posted on: 2012/6/4 16:59
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Re: Bypass vs. full flow oil filters
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Thank you for the kind words, but it was automotive engineer and Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg member Al Light, above, who "succinctly summarizes" the pro/con full flow vs. bypass oil filters.
I post them here, followed by a few comments, quotes from other technical folk, as i find them interesting, though my Ferrari-owning friend is a senior staff electrical engineer for a major utility company, not a mechanical or chemical engineer. Sounds like the jury's still out, given that for all the advancements since Packard folded, much engineering is cost engineering. Would love to hear more insight, especially from any Packard/vintage/Classic car buffs who happen to be engineers and/or SAE members, with access to hard, vetted studies. I tend to agree with you, that full flow, on balance, might be better across the board. But i'm just a curious Packard owner/enthusiast. For the occasional extremely "light duty" exercise runs many of us limit our Packards to, the above discussion, question is strictly curiousity. Meanwhile, the above does suggest that, especially given the night and day better motor oils today than when our Packards were new, we are in fine fettle with bypass filters.
Posted on: 2012/6/5 16:05
Re: Bypass vs. full flow oil filters
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Given the request for comments, I'll throw my two cents in.
Today's highest cost prime movers use full flow plus bypass. The bypass is a multi-stage filter. They also use pre-cleaners in addition to primary and second stage air filtration. If you can find a good engineering library you can check out editions of the "Handbook of Petroleum Engineering". They contain filtration studies some of which concluded that diesel locomotives were ruined after three months without filtration. For these Packards there are a couple of very important considerations. One is that when these cars sit parked for more than a week the settlement effect is virtually the same as full flow filtration. When they sit for a month the results are way down in the microns. Secondly, the floating pick up is very effective. Modern cars don't have floating pick ups any more because of full flow filters. After that the air filter is actually more important than the oil filter. And that is according to the Packard company. I remember an old timer who fitted an oversized paper filter to his original 902 and it ran for years and years without a rebuild. For any car without the optional oil bath cleaner I would follow his lead. Finally, emission controls and unleaded gas have cleaned up the crankcase which is why modern engines run so long without blowing up. In fact, motor builders have to engineer failure into modern engines so that they have to be replaced. A million miles on an engine is entirely possible given changes in the computer program cells and sturdier parts.
Posted on: 2012/6/5 18:37
Re: Bypass vs. full flow oil filters
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Thank you, Dr. Cole. All excellent points, and the experience of the auld gent with the 384-ci Model 902 with
the outsized paper air filter is new to me. I've been running a Wicks 87055 in my '47 Super's oil bath cleaner since the late '90s which fits like a glove. When i changed my oil and filter last New Year's Eve afternoon after only 985 miles since the previous change simply because of the time, not mileage, that had passed, it looked about as clean as it did at 100 miles. As mentioned, i never, ever start the engine unless i'll be driving 18-20 miles highway to equalize block, head, manifold temperatures and prevent sludge, varnish, carbonic acid as mentioned above. A Cordite friend installed a full flow oil filter on one of his Cords, something a few 1936-37 Cord owners have done probably since the three-main-bearing Lycoming V-8, same bore/stroke as Packard's 1948-54 inline 288, shares oil with the transmission, Cords being, as we've read and heard, underfunded, underengineered. We already know how cheesy even the upper echelon GMobiles were compared with concurrent Packards, but it's interesting that the 1936-48 Cadillac three-main-bearing 346-ci (320-ci in '36) L-head V-8 using the same Wilcox-Rich hydraulic valve lifters as the 1940-50 Packard nine-main 356 L-head inline 8 offered an oil filter as an option, while it was standard equipment on the Packard 356. Already have a pre-oiler on my car for full oil pressure before turning the starter, since according to McDonnell-Douglas, Continental, the SAE 80-90% of all engine wear occurs during the first moments of start up after an engine's been sitting more than a few days, or a week, let alone a month or more. So, short of drilling and tapping our blocks for full flow, i'm sure many of us would like to preserve our Packards "for the duration," and are all ears when it comes to such insight as yours above. Thanks again, sir.
Posted on: 2012/6/6 1:34
Re: Bypass vs. full flow oil filters
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"Already have a pre-oiler on my car for full oil pressure before turning the starter, since according to McDonnell-Douglas, Continental, the SAE 80-90% of all engine wear occurs during the first moments of start up after an engine's been sitting more than a few days, or a week, let alone a month or more." I doubt that to be the FULL description of ALL the facts. Greatest engine wear is due to placing demand on the engine BEFORE it reaches some 60%-70% of operating temperature. Especialy HEAVY demand. ESPECIALY in cold weather. Constant and significant heating and cooling cycles between start up's (even if it's multiple times per day every day) is just as bad for wear if operating temperature is not attained before placing demand on the engine any more than just idling to warm up. Does Mcdonnel DOuglas and Cont run preoilers on their engines that do NOT HEAT the oil ??? Probably oil or block heaters only for the purpose of keeping the engine warm and not for sole purpose of oil circulation.
Posted on: 2012/6/6 7:09
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: Bypass vs. full flow oil filters
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"Finally, emission controls and unleaded gas have cleaned up the crankcase which is why modern engines run so long without blowing up. In fact, motor builders have to engineer failure into modern engines so that they have to be replaced. A million miles on an engine is entirely possible given changes in the computer program cells and sturdier parts." Yes. But there is another major factor involved that has nothing to do with any technology. Attempting to compare J.Q.Public passenger car operation of the last 20 years to any such operation of the 1930-1970 era is grossly lacking in objectivity. Not uncommon to find modern cars less than 3 years old with 30K miles or more. Some 15 to 20K miles of driving per year. Such high mileage driving habits rarely occured 40 years ago unless it was some traveling salesman or fleet delivery operation which would not be in the realm of J.Q.Public operating habits. Therefore, the engine stopping and starting and heating and cooling cycles of modern driving habits is much less frequent than of some 40 years ago. I'll certainly agree that modern tech has significant impact on better longevity of modern engines but modern tech is more sensationalized than the reality of various other factors not related to tech. ANd at what cost is the modern tech???? $700 'brain boxes', $20-$40 spark plugs, EFI, $300 in tank fuel pumps .... THat list goes on and on. Mite be cheaper to replace an engine every 120K miles. Maybe not. THink about that the next time anyone is out there on the side of the road, broken down, trying to live life from a cell phone, plastic card and an auto club extended waranty program. How many of those SPARE $700 computer boxes do they caryy in the trunk???? I keep a $10 set of points in the glove box. J.Q.Public probably scrap the car after 15 years anyway. No???? I sit rite here and watch them go to the crusher everyday. Some of the cars look better than the tow car pulling them in. But that's a whole different real world issue in itself. We'll see in 3 or 4 years who really cries the tears.
Posted on: 2012/6/6 7:23
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: Bypass vs. full flow oil filters
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I think good modern engines have better thermal expansion control and they definitely better cooling systems than older engines, as well as better crankcase ventilation air filtering and intake air filtering. Quality modern motor oils are far superior to pre-war oils, and I think they go a long way toward reducing rapid cold operation engine wear and start-up wear while reducing crankcase deposits. A manual choke is a fine thing, if it is handled properly, as is a good and well-adjusted automatic choke. Many cars were abused by careless use of the choke, and the erroneous notion that if you only drive around town once in a while you don't need to use quality oil or to change it regularly. Modern engines have better ring sealing than past designs, which helps prevent oil contamination while helping keep piston and ring wear to a minimum by keeping blowby to a minimum. Low rates of oil consumption probably prevent careless drivers from running with a low oil supply. Packard claimed a 40% reduction in normal oil consumption when they adopted the expander-type piston rings. (1937?) That's a huge reduction and doubtless provided benefits beyond just improved oil economy.
Posted on: 1/17 18:27
Re: Bypass vs. full flow oil filters
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I believe a late 1930s Packard engine rebuilt to factory specs and run with modern lubricants and handled properly could run a couple of hundred thousand miles and still be in good condition. One big handicap would be the non-pressurized cooling system. A custom radiator capable of handling 12 PSI and a better water pump would take that off the table.
Posted on: 1/17 18:31
Re: Bypass vs. full flow oil filters
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Something of interest is that modern hybrid engines (and auto start/stop engines) have far more start/stop cycles than a conventional engine, yet last longer than ever. Many even running 0W16 oil. The main mechanical difference is low tension rings; bearing and journal tolerances are probably the same. Modern oil has been highly optimized for wear resistance.
For example, here is a video testing 0W8 On a vintage car I would expect the main wear point to be the rings, like originally.
Posted on: 1/17 18:49
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