"The Packard Experience" at the Gilmore
Forum Ambassador
Could well be the largest gathering of Packards in one place since the 1999 Centennial. Sponsored by the CCCA Museum at the Gilmore (Hickory Corners, MI) and open to all Packards 1899 to 1958.
Anyone else here planning on attending? It would be nice to meet some of you there. Info at:packardclub.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3336
Posted on: 2015/3/23 15:40
Re: "The Packard Experience" at the Gilmore
Home away from home
this will be out new clubs 1st spring drive in. I plan on driving the 55 Pat.
Posted on: 2015/3/23 18:29
Re: "The Packard Experience" at the Gilmore
Home away from home
See you there Troy, who else is bringing a V8 car?
Posted on: 2015/5/26 17:28
Re: "The Packard Experience" at the Gilmore
Home away from home
The Museum founders
Posted on: 2015/5/28 21:57
Re: "The Packard Experience" at the Gilmore
Quite a regular
I made my first visit to the Gilmore Car Museum today, this is an amazing place for any classic car fan to visit.
On a perfect weather day that was straight out of a 'Pure Michigan' commercial it could have been difficult to stay indoors if were not for the quality of the exhibits and the attention to detail of how the cars were positioned in all the halls. I was not surprised this evening to see that I'd taken over 400 pictures during my visit. I arrived about an hour after the doors opened and left just ten minutes before they closed, as the saying goes a day well spent. A major highlight was when after a country tour the participating Packards and others began to arrive on the site. It was great to see about fifty Packards parked on the field in front of the CCCA museum and speak with some of the owners including members of this forum. I look forward to seeing many more Packards on Sunday and pray that the weather gods hold the forecast afternoon rain until after the show is over. Bob
Posted on: 2015/6/6 21:04
1937 Packard Six 115-C Touring Sedan
Built in Windsor, ON Canada |
Re: "The Packard Experience" at the Gilmore
Forum Ambassador
Bob, I sure wish that I were able to go. I went to the Gilmore once in the early 1990's when they had a Packard specialty show and it was awesome. Please post photos.
Posted on: 2015/6/6 21:54
Dave |
Re: "The Packard Experience" at the Gilmore
Forum Ambassador
Just back from "The Experience" at the Gilmore, it was one of the very best Packard experiences since the 1999 Centennial and if you could have made it and didn't, you'll no doubt be kicking yourself for some time to come. Ran into Mr.Pushbutton, Mahoning63 and 64Avanti there (with his really lovely Clipper). My experiences of riding more than a few yards in early Packards are very limited so among the highlights for me were 40+ mile rides in a 1910 Model 18 and a 745 phaeton, and then later a high speed (perhaps 50 mph) run in a 1910 Model 30 sport - no windscreen so it just about rips the tear ducts from your face!! If you ignore the time it takes to shift straight spur gears thru a progressive shift pattern, these cars really can accelerate! Lots of brass era and mid-to-late 20s Packards and of course the Classics from the 30s including many previously unknown to me; a little thin on the postwar cars but the range was from 1901 thru 1957.
I'm sorting thru about 400 photos and will be posting some of them with a little commentary later today or perhaps this evening on the PAC forum and I'll provide a link here when finished, but here's a couple of teasers. PS - still posting and editing but here's the link: packardclub.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3336
Posted on: 2015/6/9 8:36
Re: "The Packard Experience" at the Gilmore
Home away from home
Hello Owen D:
Sorry I missed you on Sunday, but I was trying to get as many photos as I could of the 125 Packards on the field before wind picked up and the rain came at about noon. Hope you don't mind if I post some pix. Click on the photos to enlarge and see clearly.
Posted on: 2015/6/9 9:57
Re: "The Packard Experience" at the Gilmore
Forum Ambassador
Hi Roger:
Yes, sorry we missed each other. For show day (Sunday) I was a caretaker and driver for a 236 coupe by Merrimac and was on the field by 7:30 AM so I did get in a good 5 hours of seeing the cars come, and then go when the rain hit. Spent the afternoon in the various museum buildings. A great weekend also for renewing some old friendships and making some new ones. By all means, please post as many photos as you wish, there were many cars I didn't photograph, glad to see your photo of the Cassini 34 Dietrich, I've seen the car up close a few times and didn't photo but should have.
Posted on: 2015/6/9 12:05