Re: Rusty McRustface - Misadventures with a 1953 Clipper Deluxe
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Why did you want to take the studs out? As for a home-build, that’s what I always do too but I do have any outside work done where it can get done better and more efficiently such as tanking the block. Of course, you’ll need to remove the cam bearings and distribution tube first but I can’t think of a reason why the studs need to be removed. They use very tight tolerance rolled threads where they go into the block so at best they’re tight. I have a stud removal tool but it does mess up the studs a little and they are over $5 ea to replace with new so best to leave them alone.
If you don’t mind my two-cents worth, here’s what I would do and is more or less what I what I will be doing on the 1951 Henney-Packard. Strip down the block of anything removable including the coolant and distribution tube and take the block to the shop for tanking. First thing to do is to have them Magniflux it for cracks before putting any more time or money into it, then if crack-free, have them remove the cam bearings, tank it then reinstall new ones to match your cam. You would have to do that anyway and even as a seasoned mechanic, I prefer to have that done rather than to do it myself. They can probably help with the stuck valves too far easier than you or I can as they have the equipment and tanking alone may do the trick. They can polish the cam if needed but otherwise they can assure of a good fit even if worn as long as the lobes are good. If the lobes are not good, this is the time to know and get it fixed by regrinding the cam. When reassembling, use a new timing chain and inspect the gears, replacing if needed. I have never had to replace timing gears but I imagine there are times when they are worn excessively so must be replaced. On your engine, you will be far better off replacing all the valves considering their condition and have them replace the valve guides, lap or grind the valve seats and lightly hone the cylinders. That way they can give a report of whether to not you can get by without boring them. You should probably replace the wrist pins in the pistons even if using the old pistons and, of course, new rings. I know this sounds like a lot but these things must be done to assure a good-running and quiet engine when completed!
Posted on: 1/11 20:37
Re: Rusty McRustface - Misadventures with a 1953 Clipper Deluxe
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Don, thanks for the tips. I just assumed that the machine shop would require everything to be off the block, including the studs. If I don't have to remove them I'll be happy. I'm not planning having the block decked or anything like that. I didn't want to remove and replace the cam bearings, but if they do that for not much money then I'll go ahead and let them do it.
I'd like to hone the bores myself and polish the crankshaft myself. Unless it's dirt cheap for them to do it. I'd like to get the experience of doing those things. I plan on pulling the engine in my Panama next winter and rebuilding much of it. Rusty's engine will be good practice for that. I plan on using a micrometer on the crank to check the journals, and a bore gauge for the bore to check for roundness and taper. Again, experience I'd like to gain if possible. I'll give the valves a bit more of a try to see if I can get the last ones out. If I can't then I'll talk to the shop and see what it looks like for them to do it. Overall I'm not looking for a full rebuild with all new everything. More of a budget build and a platform for learning. I will for sure get a new timing chain, possibly new valves, for sure at least one new piston, maybe new rod and crank bearings? Not sure what exactly I need. I'm not even sure Rusty will ever get floors and rockers, so no idea if this engine has a car to go in when it's done.
Posted on: 1/12 0:53
1954 Clipper Super Panama | Registry | Project Blog 1938 Super 8 1605 | Registry | Project Blog 1953 Clipper Deluxe Club Sedan | Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Rusty McRustface - Misadventures with a 1953 Clipper Deluxe
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Rule of thumb: never assume anything. Ask the shop to be sure.
It’s understandable the desire to save money but if your goal is for a running engine, there are some corners to not cut and some things better done by professionals. You don’t have much choice on the cam bearings no matter the cost as the tanking acids will likely ruin them. The acids will definitely destroy the thin coolant distribution tube so remove it carefully, inspect it for damage, then put it aside in a very safe place as it’s easily damaged when out of the engine. As for miking the journals, be very careful as most good micrometers have carbide faces which can easily nick the journal surfaces. In any event, once you determine whether or not they’re round and not tapered in any way, you’ll need PlastiGauge to determine the wear on the bearings if you’re not planning on replacing them. Otherwise it’s good and relatively inexpensive insurance to put in new ones. On polishing the cam yourself, even I as a journeyman machinist would never consider doing that as there is more to it than just making them shiny. Honing the cylinders yourself is another matter but you’ll need a good three-stone or four-stone hone, a dial indicator bore gauge to check the entire bore for roundness, taper and, of course, exact size and that tool can be expensive. Shops already have it.
Posted on: 1/12 2:41
Re: Rusty McRustface - Misadventures with a 1953 Clipper Deluxe
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If you re-use any pistons, be sure to carefully check each and every ring groove for wear. New rings will not function in worn grooves. I would not re-use any insert bearings. Old pistons often had collapsed skirts and other issues. New pistons for most old engines are quite cheap, as parts go. I don't know if that applies to Packard parts. It's easy to spoil a rebuild job by trying to save a little here and there, and in so doing, waste all the time and money put into the job.
Posted on: 1/12 10:34
Re: Rusty McRustface - Misadventures with a 1953 Clipper Deluxe
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Unfortunately nearly everything is expensive on these nowadays. I agree with Kevin that inspecting for what can be reused is most ideal.
Kevin, non carbide mics can easily be had on FB Marketplace. Look for the cheapest oldest thing for sale that isn't rusty. I agree with Don, I would never polish journals on my own, for the same reason that I would not polish a worn surface plate on my own. You don't have the metrological and abrasive precision to get it correct. A video like this, for example, is pretty much the same as how I polish up a generator commutator. 'Nuff said.
Posted on: 1/12 10:45
1955 400 | Registry | Project Blog
1955 Clipper Deluxe | Registry | Project Blog 1955 Clipper Super Panama | Registry Email (Parts/service inquiries only, please. Post all questions on the forum.) |
Re: Rusty McRustface - Misadventures with a 1953 Clipper Deluxe
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Good advice all. Thanks!
I was going to polish journals on my own, but if the recommendation is not to do that then I'll let the shop handle it. For the micrometer and dial indicator bore gauge, I have a friend who rebuilds engines that has all the tools I can borrow. My understanding is that I can use the dial indicator bore gauge to check the crank and rod bearings, then use that data to determine how much space there is between the journals and bearings. I'm guessing that it's more accurate than doing plastigauge. Egge has all the rebuild parts. Not cheap to get all new components. A set of pistons is $600. Each valve is almost $40. I'm sure that Kanter and Max Merritt have those parts too, from what I can see on Merritt's website the prices aren't much different. So without knowing exactly what a shop will charge for their part (need to find a recommended shop) it seems like a rebuild could quickly spiral into costing 3-4k or more. So I'll see what I can save by going through and cleaning things up. I'd prefer to keep this rebuild as budget friendly as possible.
Posted on: 1/12 17:51
1954 Clipper Super Panama | Registry | Project Blog 1938 Super 8 1605 | Registry | Project Blog 1953 Clipper Deluxe Club Sedan | Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Rusty McRustface - Misadventures with a 1953 Clipper Deluxe
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Check with Terrill. I bought a few sets of valves for my Clipper, 1954 Patrician and for a 1940 110 through their eBay store which were quite cheap. They apparently no longer have a Web site but they are, as I said, on eBay and they have a Facebook page which I believe is the same company. If they have your values at all, they are typically under $100 for a set of 8 and they have bearings too so if you don’t see what you need, reach out and ask.
As for PlastiGauge, they are very accurate but, of course, unless you use them in multiple places, they’ll tell you nothing about roundness. Some years ago they came in super-handy when I was doing an in-car repair on my 1965 Cadillac Calais Coupe which was totally stock. It told me that I needed .002 over which even then on a car as old as it was were difficult to find but I did ultimately locate a set. The car, which had a knock when I started due to a broken piston or two, was very quiet afterward.
Posted on: 1/12 19:22
Re: Rusty McRustface - Misadventures with a 1953 Clipper Deluxe
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I have a whole bag of used V8 valves and touching up an old valve is only a couple bucks. Surely someone has a bunch for I8.
Probably Bob in Marietta would be my first ask if you only need a couple.
Posted on: 1/12 19:42
1955 400 | Registry | Project Blog
1955 Clipper Deluxe | Registry | Project Blog 1955 Clipper Super Panama | Registry Email (Parts/service inquiries only, please. Post all questions on the forum.) |
Re: Rusty McRustface - Misadventures with a 1953 Clipper Deluxe
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I have some too but if I live long enough, they’ll go back into the engines from which they came so that I can sell them as an assembly. Engines, Ultramtics (and two motorcycles) are taking up far too much of my shop space.
Posted on: 1/12 19:49