Re: 1950 windshield wiper cable
Home away from home
Sorry, I did try to get a measurement but with the ducting, glove box, windshield washer tubing, air control cables, and old wiring in the way (not to mention the cramped space), I just couldn't manage it.
Posted on: 2012/6/13 12:52
Re: 1950 windshield wiper cable
Home away from home
OTDGY, Your pictures looked like the set-up on my 22nd series 49. The best measurement I could get was 36 inches on each cable. My 23rd series the cables are 6 inches shorter. These measurements are for the passenger side. Attached are pictures of the stock 22nd series and of the spliced cables for the 23rd series. I hope this helps. I have had no issues with the spliced cables. Roger
Attach file: (52.65 KB) (76.71 KB) (81.50 KB) (77.27 KB) (52.65 KB) (53.26 KB) (56.80 KB) (56.34 KB)
Posted on: 2012/6/13 14:48
Re: 1950 windshield wiper cable
Just can't stay away
JD Thanks for trying. It is a PITA to get up there I know and appreciate the effort.
Taximan; I noticed the same length differences between the first and second pivot. Really surprised this one didn't fit. HH; I'll check out what you said should be interesting how the travel affects the cables. Good idea about using the other wiper to see where the positioning and travel should be. That had me stumped which is why I was looking for cable lengths. Will take a look at it and let you know what I find. The pics are great. You really comfortable with those bolts swinging around under there ? Probably works fine but gives me the shivers thinking about all that weight being slung back and forth. Thanks again OTG
Posted on: 2012/6/13 17:53
Re: 1950 windshield wiper cable
Home away from home
otdgy, as much tension as there is on those cables I don't think the weight of the clamps is anything to worry about. I did stagger the splices so the clamps would not interfear with the movement of the cables. I hope you get your problem sorted out, best of luck. Roger
Posted on: 2012/6/13 18:51