Topic: GREAT NEWS!!!: Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend sale of E15 gasoline | Hemmings Blog: C
GREAT NEWS!!!: Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend sale of E15 gasoline | Hemmings Blog: C
Forum Ambassador
This is great news. ... nd-sale-of-e15-gasoline/?refer=news
Posted on: 2013/3/5 19:33
Re: GREAT NEWS!!!: Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend sale of E15 gasoline | Hemmings Blog: C
Home away from home
That is good news indeed.
Posted on: 2013/3/5 19:56
Re: GREAT NEWS!!!: Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend sale of E15 gasoline | Hemmings Blog: C
Home away from home
Yeah, i'm beginning to think the recent 'sequester' is a major blessing in disguise since the flight of the Enola-Gay.
Would this suspension of E15 necessarily be the result of the recent sequester????
Posted on: 2013/3/5 20:14
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: GREAT NEWS!!!: Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend sale of E15 gasoline | Hemmings Blog: C
Home away from home
E10 is sold pretty much exclusively out here in Pahrump, NV 365 days/yr. My 55 Pat does OK with it, even though we know that the mileage goes down compared to E0. I'm glad to hear about this legislation. We don't need E15!
Posted on: 2013/3/5 20:23
Nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure! Ellen Ripley "Aliens"
Time flies like an arrow. Frui |
Re: GREAT NEWS!!!: Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend sale of E15 gasoline | Hemmings Blog: C
Home away from home
The farm lobby might be powerful but not everybody in the ag industry wants E15! It takes tremendous amounts of corn away from cattle feeding! (Ever wondering why your cost of food have been going up?) Another thing is that it takes more energy to grow the corn and make ethanol than the energy that ethanol provides!
Posted on: 2013/3/6 7:58
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you
Bad company corrupts good character! Farming: the art of losing money while working 100 hours a week to feed people who think you are trying to kill them |
Re: GREAT NEWS!!!: Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend sale of E15 gasoline | Hemmings Blog: C
Home away from home
Good point BDC. But there is a part of it that is difficult to understand.
How do the oil companies actualy convert the corn to ethanol????? Only way i know of is thru fermentation which is rather slow process, say no less than 1 month to maybe as long as 3 months for a completed fermentation process. Followed by distillation. BUT, the dregs of the fermentation or even distillation process can then be fed to critters. Make the runt of any litter grow into best of the breed. So why should corn used for eth production not then be used for cattle feed as a byproduct???? Note that i am no expert on this so i am probably missing some important point or maybe i have a gross misconception of the process????
Posted on: 2013/3/6 9:08
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: GREAT NEWS!!!: Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend sale of E15 gasoline | Hemmings Blog: C
Forum Ambassador
Now if only we could get the government to adopt some good science and economics and ban E10 things would really be peachy. But if they can't learn that you can't, ad infinitum, spend more than you take in, I guess that's a pipe dream.
Posted on: 2013/3/6 9:26
Re: GREAT NEWS!!!: Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend sale of E15 gasoline | Hemmings Blog: C
Home away from home
Maybe developing a device to separate the alcohol from the gasoline might be a good venture.
Posted on: 2013/3/6 10:08
Re: GREAT NEWS!!!: Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend sale of E15 gasoline | Hemmings Blog: C
Home away from home
Starch (energy) is taken out of the corn and turned into ethanol. The byproduct that's left is called destillers grain. It takes roughly 4 lbs of corn to get 1 lbs of destillers grain (DG).
DG has no starch a necessary ingredient to get growth (meat), or production (milk). Sulphur levels are 4 times higher in DG than in corn, so that essentially limits the amount you feed Toxins in corn (which is natural) are 4 times higher in DG There are many more reasons which I will not bother uou with. DG is a good feed to supplement your ration with but can never replace corn. Thats cattle feeding 101 in a nutshell! By putting ethanol in fuel they tied our food price to the oil market. You either eat your corn flakes with milk in the morning or you fill up your car! Its whatever you use the corn for.
Posted on: 2013/3/6 10:19
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you
Bad company corrupts good character! Farming: the art of losing money while working 100 hours a week to feed people who think you are trying to kill them |