Re: Homeland Security & state DMVs
Home away from home
We already pay per mile...unless you make your own gas.....
Posted on: 2013/5/3 20:33
When two men ride the same horse, one has to be in the back...
Re: Homeland Security & state DMVs
Forum Ambassador
California is one of the states that was looking at the pay per mile -- I think the legislature decided to raise the gas tax this time around while they "study" the concept.
Several insurance companies are pushing hard for the pay per mile since they claim the present premium structure is unfair. Translation: the insurance commissioner turned down some rate increase requests so they want a new way around him. Some already offer optional policies with the pay per mile "feature" but I'm sure if implemented it will be just another way to raise rates.
Posted on: 2013/5/3 20:44
Re: Homeland Security & state DMVs
Home away from home
RE: title of this thread,
Not clear to me what Homeland Security has to do with this.
Posted on: 2013/5/3 21:35
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: Homeland Security & state DMVs
Home away from home
PackardV8 Quote:
Not clear to me what Homeland Security has to do with this. According to the guy at ITS I talked to, DHS is the gov agency that is putting the regs and pressure in place on the state DMVs to eliminate the older vehicles. I'm only the messenger. Craig
Posted on: 2013/5/3 23:09
Nuke them from orbit, it's the only way to be sure! Ellen Ripley "Aliens"
Time flies like an arrow. Frui |
Re: Homeland Security & state DMVs
Home away from home
That's what happens in an economy that relentlessly displaces it's most capable people and gets stupider and stupider.
I'm sure there will be a creative way around the problem provided the car isn't stolen. I hate the DHS. They are just juvenille delinquents hired by a drunk named G.W.B.. But that is the nature of the country now and why it is in decline. In my town the cops are all grossly overweight and sit around in their cop cars all day shaking down motorists. We don't need that. Worthless. Stockton California put everybody on minimum wage. We need to do that with the entire government and let them have a taste of what the rest of the country is going through. As for the GPS crap - I'm sorry DHS it's already stolen. Insurance companies are another joke. They hire people on how well they kiss the bosses butt.
Posted on: 2013/5/4 5:19
Re: Homeland Security & state DMVs
Home away from home
Whats this, they do,,
Make you pay registration, every year,, when you transfer or buy a car etc,,you pay once,, period, when my Packard is on the road there will not be rear exhaust, then what ,,, oh, they will have other bs, complaints, just to make us drive what they want... gov, brown ,,is going to get a criminal federal complaint,, from, me, main point is , car registration, what does my car have to do with ,, debt,,, its mine,,, the state is not on title,,,, while i'm on it,,,property tax is the same............... these epa ass's have a degree, right?,,,are they using it,?,, of coarse their degree is probably ,, political ,, how to screw your fellow American.,, you submit a plan to control exhaust and never here back,,,all you here is ,,things like,,,charging you per mile,, well what about our freedom of movement,,,,none of these epa-ss's law's are Constitutional. rik,,,,fred r turbo AMERICAN!!,,,rip jc
Posted on: 2013/5/4 14:01