Re: 47 Clipper glove box lock cylinder
Forum Ambassador
HH56, can't help though I did look at the pictures. But just to be fair it's more Briggs & Stratton's silly game than Packard's. I'm guessing that the cylinder retainer is a brass ring held in an eccentric position by a very small spring and it's towards the very rear of the tumbler assembly. Have you looked really closely towards the rear?
Is your problem that the key doesn't fit the lock? If so, there are only 250 different keys and places like Jesser's probably have a full set. I've got a dozen or more I'd be willing to loan you and I'd guess that between the folks on here others will have enough keys to loan to get a "hit".
Posted on: 2013/6/18 22:36
Re: 47 Clipper glove box lock cylinder
Home away from home
Owen's description is correct and the eccentric brass ring can be released by inserting a piece of piano wire until it hits a stop and then wiggling it around until it somehow moves farther and the cylinder can be removed.
Posted on: 2013/6/19 1:08
Re: 47 Clipper glove box lock cylinder
Forum Ambassador
Thanks! I thought that little hole was the lock access but didn't get very far with my efforts. Obviously didn't push or wiggle hard enough fearing it wasn't the proper method. Now I know better.
O_D, thanks for the offer. Do need new keys so that was the reason for starting the project. Was able to pick the lock -- too easily -- and that old key will work by a lot of jiggling. Now need to remove the cylinder to find out why it picked so easily. The others are not cooperating as readily and that same key won't work the trunk. Maybe someone was in there before and removed most of the wafers. Will continue my education on lock picking a bit longer before throwing in the towel and begging for keys or a locksmith.
Posted on: 2013/6/19 8:45
Re: 47 Clipper glove box lock cylinder
Forum Ambassador
HH, do you have a decent set of lock pics? Professional ones sure work better than those we might make ourselves. Mine are from Southord.
Posted on: 2013/6/19 8:54
Re: 47 Clipper glove box lock cylinder
Forum Ambassador
Thanks to BDeB, got the cylinder out. All the wafers are present so not sure why it was relatively easy to pick compared to the others. The key is so close except one wafer just had to be off enough & probably the reason it won't work in the trunk lock.
I do have a set of professionally made picks. Whether they are of decent enough quality that any professional would want to use them is up for debate. Will try my hand again at picking the reluctant locks.
Posted on: 2013/6/19 12:25
Re: 47 Clipper glove box lock cylinder
Not too shy to talk
Has anyone disassembled the mechanism in the glove box handle? Since I got my car the glove box has never locked but I would like it to if needed. I pulled the tumbler today and it appears my key is cut correctly. I just cant seem to get the internals to turn. Any recommendations
Posted on: 2022/10/27 17:28
Re: 47 Clipper glove box lock cylinder
Home away from home
Good afternoon...You might consider soaking the lock in a little pot of PB Blaster or something similar for a few days and then insert the it is still stuborn,then off to the locksmith with it! Ernie in Arizona
Posted on: 2022/10/27 18:35
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