Craziness at the Packard Plant - October 2013
Home away from home
Over this last weekend scrappers caused a collapse of the building onto Concord St. near East Grand Boulevard. Concord is now blocked off to traffic. ... -partial-collapse-of-packard-plant/ "A portion of the abandoned Packard Plant collapsed this weekend, scattering large chunks of concrete across a road and momentarily burying a metal thief in debris." "These aren't your run-of-the-mill scrappers. The same group has been demolishing the plant slowly but aggressively over the past two years, using backhoes, high-powered saws and welding equipment. They've demolished entire buildings and are removing the fifth floor of a building that is longer than a football field." Click onto the link above (it's safe) and see some of the latest pictures.
Posted on: 2013/10/15 8:23
Re: Craziness at the Packard Plant - October 2013
Forum Ambassador
always wondered where my block of assembly floor came from in the building. how it was layed, etc.
pretty good pic of it here.
Posted on: 2013/10/15 8:55
1937 Packard 138-CD Deluxe Touring Limousine
Maroon/Black 1090-1021 [url=]1955 Packard |
Re: Craziness at the Packard Plant - October 2013
Home away from home
Hello Owen:
Yes, that is the same corner. In your photo you are standing on East Grand Boulevard and looking NE toward the corner at Concord. In the first photo that I posted was from the corner of EGB and Concord looking NNW and upward. The second photo is from the same intersection looking N up Concord toward Harper.
Posted on: 2013/10/15 18:24