Re: Electronic Ignition conversion report
Home away from home
I'm really happy that this thread just got resurrected, as I installed a Petronix kit in the '48 Custom 8. Problems with the overdrive circuit and solid wires never entered my mind. I decided to switch to electronic ignition because the cam in the distributor was worn to the point where I would never be able to get the proper dwell out of it. Now I'm hoping that the wire set that I got from Kanter isn't solid core wires.
To find out if they have a kit for your car, you need the part number off of the distributor. Jeff
Posted on: 2013/10/25 23:57
Re: Electronic Ignition conversion report
Home away from home
" in the distributor was worn ....". Ok, but ive never seen such. If that statement implies worn distributor BUSHINGS then u have other much deeper and serious impending problems. But then again probably nNot a problem if it is a trailor queen only.
Posted on: 2013/10/26 7:17
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: Electronic Ignition conversion report
Home away from home
Your avatar, what is that???? It looks like a space ship.
Posted on: 2013/10/26 7:20
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: Electronic Ignition conversion report
Forum Ambassador
If in fact the distributor needs rebushing you may find this helpful.
Posted on: 2013/10/26 7:27
Re: Electronic Ignition conversion report
Home away from home
Moparjeff, Keith, if the white rabbit lies on a flying carpet, then yes. Marfusha ("Little Martha"), the real rabbit cosmonaut, that made a spaceflight on 2 July 1959, had marbled fur. pictures sources #1 - #2 - Flickr Attach file: (10.05 KB)
Posted on: 2013/10/26 8:30
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on
Re: Electronic Ignition conversion report
Home away from home
You're just a wee bit off on your guess. Here's a better picture.
Posted on: 2013/10/30 8:46
Re: Electronic Ignition conversion report
Home away from home
Do you have resistor wires or resistor plugs on the car? I just checked the wires that I bought from Kanter, and they are definitely solid copper wires. My car has the tiny 10mm plugs, so those are non-resistor also. Jeff
Posted on: 2013/10/30 8:52
Re: Electronic Ignition conversion report
Home away from home
Ok. I can see it as a rabbit now and since guscha posted above. But before that it appeared much more square than elongated. Maybe i stared at it for too long the first time i saw it.
Sometimes loggic and proportions fall sloppy dead for me. Thanks everyone for the clarification of the avitar.
Posted on: 2013/10/30 8:58
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: Electronic Ignition conversion report
Home away from home
The piece with the 8 bumps that opens and closes the points is worn down. The edges are rounded off a bit where the rubbing block for the points rides. I would have to guess that it wasn't lubricated often enough. As far as I know, this isn't uncommon with points type distributors. With a worn down cam, you loose your point gap as you try to get the proper dwell setting. If the gap isn't large enough, it can burn the points because it won't be able to break the arc. The rest of the distributor is in great shape. No slop in the bushings, the mechanical and vacuum advances work fine. It has a nifty little device on the side that you fill with grease, then turn the knob every so often to add new grease to the bushings. The service manual says that the car should have an Autolite, but it has a Delco, so I don't know if it's the original or not. I do know that manuals aren't always gospel on mass produced items, and parts get substituted often when they run out of the right ones on the assembly line. Jeff
Posted on: 2013/10/30 9:09