Re: Packard Gray Engine Paint
Home away from home
U do NOT need high temp paint on water cooled engines.
According to DD customer service u can use DD Centari enamal on engines. NO PRIMER. I used 15 year old Renshed Mason Acrylic enamal that was unopened about 5 years ago on my Packard V8. It has held up excellent for 5 years and well over 8K miles. Pics have been posted here and at AACA several times over the years. All u have to do is get a matching color.
Posted on: 2007/6/15 23:02
Re: Packard Gray Engine Paint
Paint has been ordered, as well as some other stuff I needed.
Posted on: 2007/6/15 23:53
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Packard Gray Engine Paint
Well my box of paint arrived today from Hirsch. While 80% or my order was correct, they did send me the wrong Manifold paint. I ordered cast gray, they sent me black.
When I called, they told me I had two options. Send the wrong cans back (at my cost), and then they would send me the correct ones. OR pay for the replacement cans right now, and they would refund the wrong cans when I returned them (again at my cost). The thing that I hate the most is there wasnt even an apology. That kinda of thing irk's me the wrong way. It's one thing if I made the mistake, but when they send you the wrong stuff, they should offer to pay for the shipping back. I would have expected better customer service. I spent over $130.00 on that order, it wasnt like I had a $10 order or something. Anyways I packed the black cans up, and sent them back to Hirsch (at my expense). I made sure that I put a copy of my original order in the box showing that I did indeed order the correct ones. Hopefully it won't take too long to get the replacement cans. On another note, the detail paint I order from Eastwood came in at the same time (it was on the same truck) and the entire order was correct. You win some, ya lose some.
Posted on: 2007/6/22 15:38
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Packard Gray Engine Paint
Ok guys I need you help with something. I think that Hirsch sent me the wrong engine paint. Even the stick on label on the can says:
Packard Gray 1948-54 NOT 54 359 CI I think it is indeed the bronze paint or soemthing else. I thought it looked a little dark in the can, but I figured it maybe dries lighter. So I painted the head on my motor and waited. It didnt get any lighter. So you guys tell me, if this Packard Gray, Packard Bronze, or just something else all together?! I always thought the Packard Gray was a Light-Med Gray. If this is indeed the wrong paint, I bet they are going to make me send the wrong paint back (again) before I get what I ordered. Grrrrr
Posted on: 2007/6/30 20:29
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Packard Gray Engine Paint
Forum Ambassador
Greys I have seen are bit lighter but is hard to tell on pict just how dark this is compared to others. Have seen some, obviously wrong, that were almost white. Here is Hirsch bronze which is for the 54 and 56 senior engines.
Attach file: (2.67 KB)
Posted on: 2007/6/30 21:48
Re: Packard Gray Engine Paint
Forum Ambassador
Kev, It looks wrong to me. It should be lighter. I am not familiar with the 54 359 Grey if it was different from the 48 and on. This is a photo of a 327 engine in a 48 Super Eight. This is the colour that I am familiar with. I'm sorry that I recommended Hirsch but I was very satisfied with the colour and quality of the engine paint he send me 4 years ago. Your head looks like a manifold paint.
Posted on: 2007/6/30 21:57
Re: Packard Gray Engine Paint
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I thought it was way too dark. The pics of other engines I have seen are much lighter. So either they put the wrong label on the can, or they had a bad batch of paint. I'll give them a call on Monday and hopefully they will straighten it out on the quick. It the mean time, I guess I will strip that wrong paint off the head. Anyways, here is the can that they sent me:
Posted on: 2007/6/30 22:12
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Packard Gray Engine Paint
Home away from home
Your wasting your time and money dealing with the vendor. Go to a DD store with a sample of the color of grey that u want and let them match it. Use the DD Centari enamel. JUST like used on car bodies. NO PRIMER. Just thin the Centari and shoot it. U do NOT need hi temp paint for water cooled engines.
IS this your first time at painting an engine?? Hirsch probably has MISlabeled cans. It is probably Ag paint which (as i understand it) tends to have wide variations in hue.
Posted on: 2007/6/30 22:26
Re: Packard Gray Engine Paint
Yes this is my first attemp at painting an engine. I am using there paint because I wanted something I could brush on. I do not have the spray equiptment, respirator, etc, and it's just easier for me to brush it at this point. The other problem is that I dont have a sample for them to match it too anyways.
I didn't prime the cast iron surfaces, but I did prime the bare steel parts (timing cover, filler tube, etc). The paint I put on looks a lot better then it does in the picture. But it only put on one quick "draft" coat as I was checking what the color would look like with in on the actual engine.
Posted on: 2007/6/30 22:55
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |