Re: No brakes
Forum Ambassador
You didn't say if manual or power but since you mentioned pulling back the carpet assume it is manual. Did the car only have a short sit before it lost the brakes or has it been out of service a considerable time. If it has been a long time then an empty and filthy dirty master is not unexpected.
If just a short sit, am assuming the brakes were serviced & master was full in a not too distant past so it probably leaked out of a line or hose. You should find a puddle or damp spot on the floor somewhere under where the car was sitting. If a wheel cylinder, again a puddle but also a wet spot on the inside of one of the tires where it ran out of the brake drum. At any rate, if it has been a long time since the last brake service or rebuild it sounds as if it would be a good idea to go ahead and do that now. Rubber and fluid both deteriorate from long periods of sitting. Rubber doesn't like being dry and since you said the master was empty, I would check its condition carefully. Verify the wheel cylinders are all in good condition and a piston is not frozen from corrosion. After that, since the master was empty and pedal pumped while it was dry it will take bleeding the system to eliminate any possibility of air in the lines. If by chance it is power and you don't find any fluid leak then another possibility for an empty reservoir is a bad seal and the fluid was sucked into the vacuum side. In that case it is definitely time for a quality rebuild or exchange on the Easamatic.
Posted on: 2015/5/3 17:10
Re: No brakes
Quite a regular
Thank you Howard,
I think they are manual brakes. Master cylinder is direct to brake pedal. Also I found no evidence of brake fluid anywhere in garage or at back side of wheels. Perhaps the mice munched a line or a seal has gone in a wheel cylinder. Will dig in wheel by wheel.
Posted on: 2015/5/3 22:02
Jeff W
Pittsburgh |
Re: No brakes
Home away from home
If there is no fluid on the floor of your garage than more than liking you have a wheel cylinder that has failed. Look under the car at the bottom of each brake drum to see if there is brake fluid seeping out. Sometimes it can be hard to see and the brake fluid can saturate the brake shoes. Sounds like it is time to do a once over on the complete system.
Posted on: 2015/5/4 14:10
Re: No brakes
Quite a regular
Thank you James!
Now that I filled master cylinder, I do have leak at the rod end. So I think the seal is blown/ damaged. Or when dry, it shrank. Looks like time fro new Master Cylinder and will pop off wheels to verify/check wheel cylinders/ lines/ shoes are ok or need updates.
Posted on: 2015/5/7 10:48
Jeff W
Pittsburgh |
Re: No brakes
If the master cylinder is attached to the toe board with it extending into the engine bay under the steering column, then you power brakes (Bendix Treadle Vac BTV), and the entire unit should be rebuild. If the master cylinder is mounted along the frame rail under the floor, then you have manual brakes (Wagner unit). Also power brake master cylinder is way larger and the booster with the attached vacuum lines should give that away. Either way, if you don't know the last time the entire system was inspected and checked. Go through the entire system. Being a single cylinder system, all it takes is one part failing to leave you with no or greatly diminished brakes.
Posted on: 2015/5/7 11:38
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: No brakes
Home away from home
It is best practice to go over you brake system after winter storage. Start with a checking the Master for fluid level and clarity. If the fluid has the color of rust thoroughly flush system with fresh brake fluid. Also it is best to adjust the shoes on all four wheels. So that they just start to drag. So you get the best performance from your brakes.
Thanks James
Posted on: 2015/5/7 12:14
Re: No brakes
Home away from home
Call Ross Miller at the Speedwell garage(410) 357-4561 and have him rebuild the unit-and DO NOT SEND IT TO ANYONE ELSE!
Posted on: 2015/5/7 12:21
Re: No brakes
Home away from home
If power brakes, your pedal will say easamatic power brakes.If it failed, send it to Ed Strain in Florida for a rebuild.
Posted on: 2015/5/7 14:26
Re: No brakes
Home away from home
There are many reputable rebuilders that you can send it to if your car is equipped with a power unit or if you are handy and up for the challenge they are not very difficult to rebuild yourself. The majority of our customers purchase kits over our rebuilding service. It can be an enjoyable and very gratifying project. There is a step by step tutorial that was done on this site that you can follow and any additional assistance can be derived from a factory service manual. This is something that can easily be done a weekend.
Thanks James From Kanter Auto Products
Posted on: 2015/5/8 7:54