Re: 733 coil
Home away from home
I would first find somebody with an oscilloscope and look at some waveforms. A defective coil will not "ring" at the end of the spark line. That integrated ignition switch may be causing problems as well. It load bearing switch and the contacts will wear. I remember spending considerable time repairing original Packard ignition.
Those original coils are so darn rare. I've only known of a few cars that still had them.
Posted on: 2015/10/23 16:00
Re: 733 coil
Home away from home
If you can't salvage the original coil you can get a new one here: I have one of these myself however I haven't wired the car yet to see if it works. Looks nice though. Todd
Posted on: 2015/10/27 11:37
Re: 733 coil
Home away from home
They look like nice products but for that effort they need to have the correct color ignition switch.
Posted on: 2015/10/27 16:03
Re: 733 coil
Just can't stay away
Tim and tfee:
Thanks for your replies. I checked the switch contacts; they appear to be in good condition, but I will have the coil checked out to be sure and to l see if it can be salvaged. If it's not repairable I'll try for a replacement . Right now I'm using my backup coil which is not quite the same.... it has two switch contacts while the one I was using has three contacts (Super 8 ?). The backup coil (from a 726) has the wire held in by a push in rubber seal and the contact is about an inch and a quarter deep; the other has the wire attached with a threaded bakelite seal and the contact is 3/4" deep. I had to to make a copper "spring" to fill the gap. Then I used duct tape to hold the wire in place. Anyway, despite the differences, the backup coil worked and the car made i home. Interestingly bath coils use the same #570 key.the same key
Posted on: 2015/10/27 21:25