Re: replace vent wing glass 47 Custom Super Clipper
Home away from home
I replaced wing glass on a 49-broke the remaining glass out-if it can be removed in tact-then it can be used as a pattern. Otherwise need to make a pattern using cardboard or something similar. Glass shops normally can supply replacement glass. The last one I did required some fine tuning as something from the frame was preventing the glass from fitting right. Then use a glass cement-recommended by the glass shop to secure it in place. It is not difficult but as with any old car project patience is required.
Posted on: 2016/1/21 9:13
Re: replace vent wing glass 47 Custom Super Clipper
Forum Ambassador
There is a paragraph or two on the vent glass replacement in body section of the 51-4 manual. Basically the procedure is remove the old glass and cushion tape, clean the channel and check for any burrs or damage that would result in something preventing the new glass from fitting, replace the tape with new, lubricate the tape and slide the new glass into position.
Sometimes easier said than done. If the glass was original or in place a long time chances are the old tape, frame and glass has become well stuck together. Getting the old glass out without doing some damage to the frame can be a challenge. Even breaking it out has its issues but without removing the vent from the car that is about the only option if the glass is well stuck. One thing to take note of before removing the old glass is how far the rear bare edge of glass extends out from the frame. That determines how it fits against the rear vertical weatherstrip. If you install the new glass too far into the frame it won't seal well and can be a challenge to get it back out again. If you are lucky the old tape has dried and the glass is not stuck so will just slide out with a minimum of effort. When I did my 47 I had both conditions. The vents were out of the car so on the two that were thoroughly stuck was able to clamp the glass in a vise using blocks of wood as a cushion on each side. Used another block of wood alternating between sides and positions to drive the vent frames off the glass. Even then one proved very difficult. The other two vents were no problem. I still clamped them in the vise but one frame almost fell off and the other required a tug but not terrible. There is a special tool which some of the old glass shops may have. Not sure if it can be used with the vent mounted in the car though. Essentially the glass clamps in the tool and a lever arrangement hooks on the top and bottom edges of frame and pulls the frame off the glass. I would not recommend placing a lot of pressure on the frame with it still mounted in the car. The pivots could possibly be bent or even pulled away from the frame which is a whole other problem. I did not use the cement when installing the new glass but chose to do the factory method using 1/16" rubber glass setting tape. Tape is available from several places and in different thicknesses. Bought mine from Restoration Specialties and with my new 1/4" glass found that 1/16 was the closest size available to the factory thickness. Used silicone spray as lube instead of the oil the factory method suggested.
Posted on: 2016/1/21 10:40