Re: 1934 Eight Transmission gear slip
Home away from home
Ive been looking for one of these updated gears for 30+ yrs now and so far '0'. As far as i know never has been reprod. Guess the update gear has a hair more gear length for more engagement.
Pop-Out is typ caused by gears surfaces not being parallel with each other. Typ reasons for this are gear wear, shaft wear, or the big one bearing wear which allows the input shaft and output shaft not to b inline with each other and thus the gears (2 slippery slides against each other). Over the yrs ive learned to rely more on the brakes than the trans to slow me down. One little trick i have picked up is when u hit a grade is to tap the shifter every 5 to 10 seconds to drive the slider gear back into position. Dont just hold the shifter because after time u loose the oil film between the shifter fork and the gear and then its metal on metal. BTW: yrs back ran across a period piece of Chry Lit that told the dealer what to tell the customer when he came in complaining about his new Chry poping out of gear. Was just BS and no fix. SO trans were pop-outing out when new.
Posted on: 2018/12/12 11:19