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Re: Airplanes - Engines - Aircraft Testing Field
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Its called historical context, I think.

It seems to be in short supply on the internet. I'm not sure why.

The collector cars we drive have had history pass by their windshield, history discussed when it was current news,and had current news and commentary coming through their radios.

You can still hear it you listen.

Remember, most of our ancestors didn't pass through Hollywood, at least mine didn't.

They (perhaps) hoped for better lives for future generations, or maybe didn't think of us at all. You may not approve of the conditions they lived and worked in, their hygienic or even moral standards but they lived in a totally different world.

They might not approve of us, either.

Posted on: 2019/11/2 13:06
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Re: Airplanes - Engines - Aircraft Testing Field
Home away from home
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Packard Newbie
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Hi Jim,
Well said and I appreciate your perspective.
You may not approve of the conditions they lived and worked in, their hygienic or even moral standards but they lived in a totally different world.

Not sure if the above quote was aimed at me for questioning the aircraft engine test sheds, but if it is, I do take exception to the degree of totality to which you have taken my comment. I certainly did not question anyone's 'hygienic or even moral standards', I simply said I was taken aback by the conditions in which the engines were tested. Period.

Not sure either, what the Hollywood comment meant, or was in reference to, but I didn't see any inference in the entire thread to any class distinction or Hollywood elitism .

The whole idea of this forum is to HAVE CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOGUE and an exchange of ideas where, at times we may agree to disagree. This may be one of those instances, but I do oppose being taken out of context, which can sometimes happen in the cold, emotionless format of the written word. I did offer my apologies, if I offended anyone, and I think that should be sufficient. Chris

Posted on: 2019/11/2 15:52
'If you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right!' Henry Ford.
1939 Packard Six, Model 1700
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Re: Airplanes - Engines - Aircraft Testing Field
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Packard newbie - my comments were not aimed at anyone at all, just intended to comment on the common perception I've seen in the general public that much historical perspective seems to be filtered through what the entertainment industry (Hollywood) wants us to view. Maybe sanitized is a better choice of words.

If my comments were offensive to anyone I do sincerely apologize, they were intended as observations.

Posted on: 2019/11/2 21:29
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Re: Airplanes - Engines - Aircraft Testing Field
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Packard Newbie
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Fair enough, Jim, I get it. I hope you can see how your verbiage appeared to be a retort to my comment(s). Thanks for setting me straight. Chris

Posted on: 2019/11/3 1:44
'If you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right!' Henry Ford.
1939 Packard Six, Model 1700
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Re: Airplanes - Engines - Aircraft Testing Field
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Tim Cole
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For anyone who is interested there is a job opening in Michigan for an experienced P51 / Packard Merlin mechanic.

I don't know where you get the experience. After that crash in Connecticut I am not interested in getting any. I suppose there are a few people involved in antique planes that can hack away at those motors. Fortunately the parties concerned aren't interested in Packard cars so I don't get any phone calls.

Posted on: 2019/11/4 17:13
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Re: Airplanes - Engines - Aircraft Testing Field
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Packard Newbie
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That's interesting Tim. I worked as a chief loadmaster for an airline years ago where we had DC-3's, DC-4's, a fleet of various older helicopters, and a Boeing 737 convertible, but all the DC engines were Pratt and Whitney, so no Packard experience for the mechanics and engineers there. Probably a lot of crossover technology between the two, but there'd still be some certification required. I imagine most of those guys would be retired now, but that is probably the kind of candidate pool they'd be getting their resumes from.

Posted on: 2019/11/4 21:55
'If you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right!' Henry Ford.
1939 Packard Six, Model 1700
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Re: Airplanes - Engines - Aircraft Testing Field
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Gents, thanks for the lively but always polite discussion. Long live PackardInfo.com!
Last pics below: Barbwire, watchtower and a solid sliding gate including gatekeeper indicate a security zone.

...BTW, was it just me, or did anyone else think those ladies looked like they were all on their Iphones?!!?! LOL Chris...

...and had current news and commentary coming through their radios...

Jim (Jim/KB1MCV), back in the mid-seventies my grandma had a good clear out, when I helped her to break down a shelter, which was her makeshift accommodation after the war. Part of my "booty" was an operating tube radio, a so-called "Goebbels' snout". After a minute warming time The Scorpions came out of the old bakelite cabinet - somehow misplaced, since I as a little boy expected something very old.

source: U.S. National Archives; -> Public Domain Archive
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Posted on: 2019/11/10 4:40
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on www.guscha.de
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Re: Airplanes - Engines - Aircraft Testing Field
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Wesley Boyer
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Looks like a forgotten time.

Posted on: 2019/11/10 11:29
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Re: Airplanes - Engines - Aircraft Testing Field
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Back in the days when the Packard Motor Car Company was traversed by transmission drives.

source: U.S. National Archives; -> Public Domain Archive
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Posted on: 2019/11/16 10:03
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on www.guscha.de
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Re: Airplanes - Engines - Aircraft Testing Field
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Working conditions 100 years ago.

source: U.S. National Archives; -> Public Domain Archive
Copyright info: no known copyright restrictions
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Posted on: 2019/11/17 11:57
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on www.guscha.de
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