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56 Ignition cylinder removal
Just popping in
Just popping in

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How oh how do I get the ignition cylinder (the chrome faced cylinder into which the key gets inserted) out of the ignition switch assembly? Discussions of this that I have seen involve inserting a paper clip into a hole in the front face of the ignition cylinder, but alas mine has no hole.

I have to get this darn thing out of my dead ignition switch before I can insert it into a functioning one.

Any help much appreciated.

Posted on: 2022/5/3 17:47
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Re: 56 Ignition cylinder removal
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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The hole is on the side of the switch. You need to insert the key and turn the cylinder right to the ON position so the release clip is lined up with the hole. Use a paper clip or a pin punch to insert into the hole and push the clip against some springs to release the clip from a slot in the casting. When the clip is pushed in use the key to manipulate and pull the cylinder out of the switch. You may need to fuss around a bit with the punch and cylinder to get everything released and lined up so the cylinder will slide out.

If the key is not available a new hole about the same size as the original needs to be CAREFULLY drilled so it will be opposite the clip when the cylinder is in the OFF position. Use care the drill does not go in deep enough that the retaining clip is damaged.

Attach file:

jpeg  IMG_2081.jpeg (46.33 KB)
209_6271c3600713a.jpeg 731X615 px

jpg  55-6 switch.jpg (44.32 KB)
209_6271c36adcdba.jpg 517X626 px

Posted on: 2022/5/3 19:07
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Re: 56 Ignition cylinder removal
Just popping in
Just popping in

See User information
Thanks! I have been fiddling around trying exactly that since I first posted the question. No luck so far but I shall persist. Holy moley I just now got it!


Posted on: 2022/5/3 20:55
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