hood assembly 1934 super 8
Quite a regular
Anyone have pictures of the hood assembly and locking mechanism for a senior packard 1934
Posted on: 2022/6/8 12:33
Re: hood assembly 1934 super 8
Quite a regular
Thanks. My hood is in three sections need to know how the side panels lock into body? Using a handle that turns a bar? I imagine.
Posted on: 2022/6/9 19:31
Re: hood assembly 1934 super 8
Quite a regular
Thanks. My hood is in three sections need to know how the side panels lock into body? Using a handle that turns a bar? I imagine. If you can email me some pics or illustrations what you have. Smiledoc51@aol.com
Posted on: 2022/6/9 19:32
Re: hood assembly 1934 super 8
Forum Ambassador
You have none of the latching mechanism?
Posted on: 2022/6/9 20:32
Re: hood assembly 1934 super 8
Quite a regular
No mechanisms just three hood pieces
Posted on: 2022/6/18 22:24
Re: hood assembly 1934 super 8
Home away from home
Excuse my ignorance, I am not sure of the year/model of this hood. It came loose with my 37 when I bought it. It has a mechanism you can see in the image for reference. I would be pleased to get more detail to you if needed.
Posted on: 2022/6/19 18:38
Re: hood assembly 1934 super 8
Forum Ambassador
That's a far better photo than any I had. Appears to be from an 11th Series Eight (1100-01-02).
Posted on: 2022/6/19 19:07
Re: hood assembly 1934 super 8
Home away from home
Thinking hes asking about the 1/2 dia bar U or Z or whatever u want to call them that bolt to the shell and firewall
Posted on: 2022/6/19 19:55
Re: hood assembly 1934 super 8
Home away from home
If there is any interest in the hood I have in the photo above I do not need it and would be happy to get it to someone who could use it to get another car back on the road. I have all 4 pieces along with the rad support.
Thanks. Bob J.
Posted on: 2022/6/20 19:08