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Best glue for running board rubber
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I have one running board stripped and the low areas filled with bondo so I can glue the Steele Rubber on. What glue works well over the combination of bare metal and bondo? Should I prime everything first before installing the new rubber?
Tomorrow I will be painting the underside of the running board black and then it will be ready for rubber.
Thank you for all the good advice I have received here.

Posted on: 2022/7/14 19:48
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Re: Best glue for running board rubber
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Here's what I used on my running boards.

Dap Weldwood Contact Adhesive (sold on Amazon)

Actually this is the standard adhesive for all professional upholstery work (I ran an upholstery shop for 20 years). I know the running board isn't really upholstery but it worked very well on my car. They have been on there for a few years now and nothing bubbled up.

Make sure you spray both the bottom of the rubber and the top of the running board or it won't work. Priming it isn't a bad idea but I don't think it's necessary as long as you use a degreaser to clean both surfaces really well.

Hope this helps.

Attach file:

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2652_62d0bf1834aa8.jpg 993X811 px

Posted on: 2022/7/14 20:13
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Re: Best glue for running board rubber
Home away from home
Home away from home

Fish'n Jim
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Did you ask Steele?
If I were doing this I'd shoot a coat of primer, or better epoxy primer over the bondo side. It'll cut down on any corrosion from water that gets trapped under the rubber.
I use a factory recommended loctite product(not sure without checking but 480 comes to mind) for the sheet rubber parts on the boat it's black and is like thick super glue, cures fast but would cost a lot for large areas like running boards, only goes on one side and don't need full coverage.

Trouble with contact, no work time and if not dry it won't stick well/blister. Once you drop it on, it's stuck. Some use waxpaper to position then pull out as you roll together. Look up how they glue veneer on wood for ideas.
I did a test a few years back for the Cad and if I recall E2000 did a good job on bare steel and rubber sheet. But need to clamp or pressure til it sets.

Posted on: 2022/7/15 13:51
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Re: Best glue for running board rubber
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I will be gluing standard rubber matting on flat steel running boards using urethane windshield glue. It allows you some grace time to move things around but fully cures in 24 hrs. This will happen next week and I will let you know how it turns out,

Posted on: 2022/7/22 18:46
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Re: Best glue for running board rubber
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I did both running boards, One a day because you must have enough clamps, vice grips and anything else you can use to hold pressure onthe rubber.I am quite pleased with how it turned but I would try a different glue if I had to do it again.

Posted on: 2022/7/27 19:10
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Re: Best glue for running board rubber
Home away from home
Home away from home

Tim Cole
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I used Lord 304 epoxy with very good results. It is a great product. I glued a hammer head on with it and that was 18 years ago. And I used that hammer for everything.

Posted on: 2022/7/27 21:56
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Re: Best glue for running board rubber
Home away from home
Home away from home

Fish'n Jim
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assuming you used contact cement?
That's the problem with contact, needs pressure to bond and likelihood of air pockets if not rolled out.
I mistyped, E6000.
There's 3M product Scotch Weld 1300 for neoprene that should work - solvent based/flexible.
Hope it holds up.
Needs more research.

ps:I thought about black weatherstrip adhesive also, but it's basically a contact cement.

Posted on: 2022/7/28 8:24
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Re: Best glue for running board rubber
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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The bad news. It has been exceptionally hot around here and the running board rubbers are coming loose in some areas. I will be redoing this coming winter but not with urethane glue,

Posted on: 2022/8/19 14:18
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