Re: Oven cleaner recommendations
Home away from home
I only use it to clean the oven except on occasion when something in the kitchen is stained.
The stuff in grocery store form is so expensive per ounce. The packaging and shipping is 99% of the cost. If you are dead set on using caustic there is also Draino which can be dissolved in water and applied with a brush. I used to have incompetent painters accuse me of sabotage. Once I cleaned an entire Packard chassis with a scraper and wire brush, swept everything into a grocery bag, and handed it to him. "Here's your sabotage." Both him and the management were so stupid they didn't get the point. Another reason I gave up dealing with that stuff.
Posted on: 2023/1/28 10:00
Re: Oven cleaner recommendations
Home away from home
Most tank parts-cleaning machines circulate solvent. In all my parts cleaning endeavours, I've found that and a stiff wire brush to be a great working solution. If that doesn't work, it's media blasting time! Chris.
Posted on: 2023/2/2 17:16
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