Re: Overdrive help!!!
Home away from home
If you prowl around on this site you will find a service manual for your car with diagrams,schematics and trouble shooting routines. You should have a hard copy of one of these manuals, they are available from the Packard Club and the usual vendors. A Motor's Manual from the era is invaluable too. You will have to find a used one. As a start, there should be an overdrive relay on the firewall near the voltage regulator. I'm thinking it's silver with four wires connected to it with a fuse outside of it. Start by replacing the fuse. When you find the manual pages, you can start with a continuity light to see if the power is going in and out of the relay correctly. You have a good chance of something easy like a bad or missing fuse or connection Regards John Harley
Posted on: 2012/1/15 20:22
Re: Overdrive help!!!
Forum Ambassador
There is a schematic in the 53 wiring and a training manual on the B-W overdrives such as then one used in Even though not the best scan quality, it may be of help.
The kickdown switch is a 4 terminal rectangular box with a plunger on the end which is operated by the accelerator. It's located on a bracket next to the firewall & down fairly low. Electrically you need to verify 4 components. To engage, the knob has to be pushed forward. There is a lockout switch on the OD which is made when that mechanism is at full travel. Make sure the lockout cable is adjusted properly so lever can swing all the way to the end. There is a rectangular relay mounted mid high on the firewall with a fuse on the side. Make sure the fuse is good and 6 volts is present. When the ignition switch is on, there is also 6 volts to one of the two terminals on one end of the relay. If all the voltages are present, the relay is activated by the governor above 17-20mph. The governor is grounded and at speed, it closes a contact. That ground goes thru the lockout switch, thru one set of contacts on the kickdown switch and energizes the relay if 6v from ign switch is present. When relay closes it connects the 6v from fuse and brings in the solenoid. After the solenoid energizes, the car should go into OD when you let off your foot.
Posted on: 2012/1/15 20:27
Re: Overdrive help!!!
Home away from home
Thanks for the links!!!! I'll print them out and take 'em to school with me so I have the procedures right there. I'll post back and let you know how it goes. Thanks again!!!
Posted on: 2012/1/15 20:45
Re: Overdrive help!!!
Home away from home
I was looking at some pictures I had taken of my firewall... I think I see where the relay is, but where is the kick-down switch located? I can see the solenoids on the OD itself also...
Posted on: 2012/1/15 23:00
Re: Overdrive help!!!
Forum Ambassador
Here is a couple of drawings showing the location. The one with the switch is an earlier version but the second picture shows the same basic bracket you have. I believe your switch has screw terminals rather than bullet type.
Attach file: (17.60 KB) (23.39 KB)
Posted on: 2012/1/15 23:22
Re: Overdrive help!!!
Home away from home
That looks just like mine from what I remember... So the switch itself is under the bracket with the rubber boot on it in the picture?
Posted on: 2012/1/15 23:56
Re: Overdrive help!!!
Forum Ambassador
You should have a switch like this in that hole in the bracket--same location as the top diagram having the switch in other post.
Attach file: (19.10 KB)
Posted on: 2012/1/16 0:04
Re: Overdrive help!!!
Home away from home
Very kool! Thanks for the photos. Helps a lot to know what the thing actually looks like rather than going straight off a wiring diagram.
I posted in one of the hot rod forum I frequent. Someone there recommended hooking up a simple toggle to the solenoid... Has anyone tried that with any degree of success? Obviously my car is not bone-stock original, and I wouldn't be opposed to having another toggle switch on the dash (I already ave my lights on a toggle)...
Posted on: 2012/1/16 0:49
Re: Overdrive help!!!
Home away from home
Don't particularly recommend the toggle swith idea except as a stopgap. The automatic operation of the overdrive is way cooler and more fun--lift your foot off the gas to upshift and tromp the gas to downshift in either of second or third.
With the toggleswitch it is possible to have a major Oh-Sh--if you forget to turn it off and then cram the thing in reverse and let out the clutch. Bang bang dead. You can still enjoy the car while you get the overdrive sorted out, just leave the overdrive knob pulled out and drive like any other stick shift. I'd keep it under 60 till it works right. Overdrive was considered a "high performance" option back in the day and you will like it a lot.
Posted on: 2012/1/16 5:05