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Clipper Custom Rear Courtesy Lights
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Hello, I am trying to get the rear interior lights working on my '47 Custom Clipper. There are four lights in the passenger compartment: one on each outside edge of the front seat back and one each on each side of the rear window. I believe the ones on the seat back are operated by the door switches and the two beside the rear window are operated by the switch on the door pillar. Both of the courtesy lights in the front work with the door switches. All other lights on the Clipper are operating.

I have power to the LH rear door switch, but no power to the RH switch nor the pillar switch. All the fixtures look good and have good bulbs in them (double contact, single filament, Mazda #82) except for the RH rear window side lamp in which the bulb is missing.

I have a wiring diagram for the car, but it does not show the interior courtesy lights, nor does the one I downloaded from this site.

I believe the wires come into the rear compartment from their source under the instrument panel, up through the windshield "A" pillar, over the LH front door, and then down the LH door pillar. From there they go to their respective switches and fixtures running under the seat/carpet. I need to know where these wires get their power.

Any help on trouble shooting this minor problem is much appreciated.


Posted on: 2011/5/16 12:11
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Re: Clipper Custom Rear Courtesy Lights

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Usually switches are on the ground leg. Use a test light or multimeter meter and see if you have power between the each one of the socket legs and a piece of body metal. If you get a reading on one of the legs that is good. Now check between the other leg, and ground do a continuity check with the pillar/door switch on. If it doesn't check out ok, then you have either a either a bad ground at the switch, a bad switch, or a broken wire between the switch and the bulb socket.

Posted on: 2011/5/16 12:21

1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog

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Re: Clipper Custom Rear Courtesy Lights
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Packard sure was ashamed of that stretch of wiring weren't they-no info anywhere.

I looked at what I could of mine. My seat is apart & back has two wires coming from the L rear corner under carpet as you said--a large and smaller wire. Large appears to be power as it has a connector spliced in behind driver for that light, goes across seat top where another splice feeds lighter and continues to other light. It is the only large wire exiting under dash with continuity to lighter. My dash is out but suspect it is fed from headlight switch fuse block as it is much longer than others in that loom and would reach switch. Most likely the feed for rear window lights also. The other wire in seat back is the other side of each light--one single splice with a connector behind driver for that light and it probably goes up pillar to door switches. Not sure exactly what happens from there though. Two wires under carpet to pillar but I feel several inside pillar so maybe splices. Don't remember if lights are separate or if door or pillar switches operates them all.

If there is still a problem getting things to work, the car is in rough enough shape, I would be willing to remove a few things and investigate further.

Posted on: 2011/5/16 13:36
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Re: Clipper Custom Rear Courtesy Lights
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Kevin and Howard, thanks for the quick and comprehensive replies. These should keep me busy for some time. I'll let folks here know how this progresses.


Posted on: 2011/5/16 13:42
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Re: Clipper Custom Rear Courtesy Lights
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I can't tell you for sure where the power comes from, but the circuit is completed by grounding at the switch on the post and at the door button.

I have the same car and every time these lights fail it is due to a bad ground. The quick test is a Jumper wire from the POSITIVE post if the battery ( positive ground system) to the light fixture.

Posted on: 2011/5/16 23:19
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