Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
bendix | 1OF750 | 2013/9/25 16:55 | 7 | 3036 | 2013/10/6 9:40 by 1OF750 |
1953 WCFB carter carb | 1OF750 | 2013/10/4 11:05 | 3 | 2402 | 2013/10/6 9:40 by 1OF750 |
space useage? | HH56 | 2013/10/4 12:12 | 5 | 2201 | 2013/10/5 9:29 by Wesley Boyer |
21-23 radiator cradle isolation. | HH56 | 2013/10/1 21:34 | 5 | 2822 | 2013/10/3 19:22 by HH56 |
setting Carter WDO metering rods | 9 mains | 2013/9/23 19:07 | 2 | 1503 | 2013/10/2 20:44 by 9 mains |
Parts info? [1][2] | 53packar | 2013/9/21 22:10 | 10 | 5308 | 2013/10/1 22:30 by Owen_Dyneto |
1951 Packard parts car with AIR CONDITIONING | Steve | 2013/9/30 12:07 | 8 | 3752 | 2013/10/1 16:08 by Jim McDermaid |
Parts info for a 54 Clipper [1][2] | jollygreengiant | 2013/9/24 17:08 | 12 | 4537 | 2013/9/30 7:04 by dallas |
bell housing - throwout lever | Mark Graber | 2013/9/29 17:56 | 2 | 2079 | 2013/9/29 18:21 by Mark Graber |
what goes here? [1][2] | HH56 | 2013/9/28 10:37 | 13 | 5861 | 2013/9/29 14:27 by Wesley Boyer |
Seat Belts [1][2] | 55PackardGuy | 2013/8/17 20:21 | 12 | 5335 | 2013/9/29 12:08 by 55PackardGuy |
removed my fuel tank ,1952 pressure guage at the fuel pump [1][2] | Tim49 | 2013/7/7 20:55 | 19 | 6491 | 2013/9/28 15:32 by Tim49 |
Oil Pan Gasket | steve828 | 2013/9/24 16:00 | 9 | 4466 | 2013/9/28 10:40 by Wesley Boyer |
Windshield scratches | WILLIS BIRKS | 2013/9/27 12:20 | 4 | 2376 | 2013/9/27 20:37 by Rusty O\'Toole |
I don't know jack!!! | zougeride | 2013/9/27 13:21 | 3 | 2208 | 2013/9/27 17:36 by Owen_Dyneto |
22-23 series heater switch | HH56 | 2013/9/27 10:39 | 2 | 1449 | 2013/9/27 12:42 by BDeB |
What a fiasco!!!! | 53packar | 2013/9/27 11:34 | 1 | 1324 | 2013/9/27 11:36 by Tobs |
interior door lock knob | 1OF750 | 2013/9/26 20:41 | 1 | 1586 | 2013/9/26 22:21 by BDeB |
undercoating | 1OF750 | 2013/9/26 19:05 | 0 | 1251 | 2013/9/26 19:05 by 1OF750 |
valve lash | waynej | 2013/9/23 19:38 | 7 | 3292 | 2013/9/25 23:11 by Ozstatman |
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