Re: Clutch Problem
Forum Ambassador
IIRC, last year another poster that had the problem after the car had sat for awhile lived on the east coast which had gone thru a really wet stretch. Am assuming clutch linings have been reformulated to eliminate asbestos and yours is not the original clutch.
Probably out in left field but with all the rain Texas has endured recently and some other locations of people reporting problems being extra wet I wonder if there could be some formulation of newer linings that might get sticky or is particularly sensitive if the lining sits for awhile and moisture condenses repeatedly over a several day period.
Posted on: 2015/6/9 16:35
Re: Clutch Problem
Home away from home
Howard, you may be correct. We had record rainfall in May and the increased humidity may have contributed to the disc sticking to the flywheel. I blame Al Gore. There was no problems with the clutch operation in previous years with less rainfall (read: drought) and longer inoperative times. I'll keep watching and let folks here know if the problem raises its ugly head again. Thanks.
Posted on: 2015/6/9 21:26
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Re: Clutch Problem
Home away from home
Clutch discs do not swell or get sticky. There are steel fibers woven into many clutch facings and when it is very humid or damp they rust to the clutch cover and flywheel. All that is usually needed is to depress the clutch while in neutral and rev the engine quickly several times. If that does not work, put the trans in first gear with a clear path ahead, push the starter button (or gas pedal) and start the car. It will accelerate so be careful, once moving at a good clip of 15 mph, depress the clutch and rev the engine. If that does not work repeat last step, depress the clutch at 15 mph and hit the brakes sharply.
This had happened to Fred and Dan with a 34 v12 they had and a 37 120. Thanks James From Kanter Auto Products
Posted on: 2015/6/10 10:02
Re: Clutch Problem
Forum Ambassador
It was a common and pretty much standard practice of the day that when you put a car up for storage for a length of time, especially in humid conditions, that you "blocked" the clutch pedal down (released) with a block of wood between the seat frame and the pedal. That rather well-known practice seems to have fallen out of use these days.
Posted on: 2015/6/10 10:06
Re: Clutch Problem
Home away from home
John (JW), it might be that this clutch-related thread is additionally helpful. It confirms Dave's strange-sounding blockupy statement.
Posted on: 2015/6/10 15:16
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Re: Clutch Problem
Home away from home
Thanks, Gerd and all the others who replied. Many different ways to free up a stuck clutch. These methods and the one I used provide owners with choices.
Posted on: 2015/6/10 17:20
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |