1937 120C Wiring Schematic
Home away from home
I will be making my own wiring harness when I get my car back from the paint shop so I thought I would scour the old drawings and create a new one based on it, but in a clearer format as well as a 3D image that you can pan/spin/zoom using Adobe Acrobat software. I have incorporated some revisions based on my car such as turn signals and a later model voltage regulator but I thought others may enjoy the drawing and 3D model too.
BTW, the drawing is done on a B size sheet, (11x17") so either pick that size to print, or if you have a standard letter size printer use the 'poster' option and set it for 2 pages. Makes it larger and easier to read. Attach file: 120C Wiring-drawing.PDF Size: 290.05 KB; Hits: 114 120C Wiring-3D.PDF Size: 4,223.52 KB; Hits: 98
Posted on: 2022/9/23 13:00
Re: 1937 120C Wiring Schematic
Home away from home
Good point. The data sheet notes the Turn Signal switch as U-13340-TS. Just bought it this summer and I have seen it in numerous older cars as an aftermarket accessory. It is also a standard hook-up so that the signals and brake lights work independent of each other like a modern car.
Posted on: 2022/9/23 16:31
Re: 1937 120C Wiring Schematic
Home away from home
Not seeing anything on the 3D version. 2D sure looks good though. Well done.
Posted on: 2022/9/23 20:11
Re: 1937 120C Wiring Schematic
Home away from home
Not all PDF viewers can handle 3D documents. Adobe Reader can but the reader in iOS and others cannot. I run Linux so can’t view them easily on my PC either without a 3rd party application.
Posted on: 2022/9/24 0:45