Re: 1935-1947 120 Carburetor Comments Please
Home away from home
I don't have any answers for you, but I do have a question. Just curious about your poor experience with the EE-14. Laurie's car has an EE-14 installed, and we get quite good performance from it. The car was dyne tuned, and the final hp at the wheels was around 75, with 190 ft lbs of torque. Max torque occurred around 1100 rpm. Max HP was recorded at max RPM of 3350. I did not feel comfortable bringing the engine up any higher, though it would have done so. We have since driven the car a few hundred miles, and the performance seems great. But this is my first '120', so WTHDIK. Cheers, Tom
Posted on: 2012/3/3 15:17
Re: 1935-1947 120 Carburetor Comments Please
Forum Ambassador
Flackmaster, I'm mildly surprised by your experiences with Stromberg EE-4 and EE-16 carbs. I've got a number of friends driving cars from Cord to Packard with them and all experience good, trouble-free performance. What sort of problems or issues have you had with them?
Posted on: 2012/3/3 15:26
Re: 1935-1947 120 Carburetor Comments Please
Forum Ambassador
Most of my issues have related to 70 year old carburetors and getting them set up to run well., i.e. Jets, fussy float levels and mixture screws. Not to put a bad name on the EE-14's, but I feel the evolution to the EE-16 and WD-O's resolved what I feel is the function flaw of the EE-14's namely the thermal choke installed in the exhaust manifold. (same design as 35-39 8 cylinder senior cars).
First, for the 35-38 cars, there is the inner steel "hat" that is more often than not rusted through. Thankfully, this portion is reproduced for $30. However, the outer portion, photographed at Dneilsens original 38-120 data tag post, is not reproduced and to my experience, rather hard to come by, especially in good condition. Getting this mechanism installed and adjusted and working properly is more difficult than with the EE-16 or the WD-O's carburetor mounted choke. In fact, if one studies the parts book, it is clear that Packard suggested using the EE-16 as a service replacement for the earlier EE-14's. (See 98760 at 9.100 and 333749 at 9.1001). This is further supported by the Stromberg service bulletins for 37 and 38 (form 10C-577 and 578) noting EE-16 replacement equipment, so don't be so surprised the next time you see a pre-39-120 with an EE-16 Carburetor... Note to Dneilsen, please post a picture of your manifold choke area, we want to be sure you have a correct manifold. If by any chance, you have a later manifold with this area cast solid, your options will be limited by this. For some portion of 37-120c production, Packard used the Carter WD-O 366S. I only wish I knew why. I have my personal speculation that I will not confuse the post with, other than to note that for 1941-47 120's Packard (and nearly all Packards thru 54) Packard used Carter carburetors with the carburetor mounted choke. In sum, we have a Packard owner in South Africa who is in serious need of a carburetor, and I wish to provide the best solution with the support of more than my personal experience or prejudice.
Posted on: 2012/3/4 11:56
Re: 1935-1947 120 Carburetor Comments Please
Home away from home
Thank you for the detailed response. I will agree that the carb can be finicky to set up. As for the manifold thermostat, you can get them from Max Merritt (as well as the cups, though I recommend making your own out of SS). I'm not sure if they are reproductions. Cheers, Tom
Posted on: 2012/3/4 13:26
Re: 1935-1947 120 Carburetor Comments Please
Quite a regular
Hello Flackmaster. I thank you for bringing my carburettor problem to a wider audience, the comments so far are most interesting. because of the small number of existing Packards in S.Africa this type of experience is not available. So i thank all of those who have given their views. As my car is a fairly original 120, except for the paint and upholstery [i have found an exact match of the material used] i want to restore it as close to original as is possible and practical. Therefor a Stromberg EE-14 or 16 is for me important. I accept that the 14 may be a bit troublesome but i feel that ,that goes with the territory and must be accepted as part of originality. My manifold is the correct one with a space for the thermostat. I have also noted 34PackardRoadsta's advice of the availabilty of the thermostat from Max Merritt.Thanks.
I thank you for all your effort and reaffirm that an EE-14 or 16 remains my choice. Regards.
Posted on: 2012/3/11 2:01
Re: 1935-1947 120 Carburetor Comments Please
Home away from home
Hi Folks:
The Stromberg is not as modern as the WDO. Add a computer control for the economizer and the WDO will pass emission standards for 1984 California. The big problem with getting the Stromberg sorted out is that the main jet air bleeds clog and have to be removed using a special jet wrench and a hammer. This requires experienced personnel. As with all carburetors the idle air bleeds erode over time as well. None of these cars run as well as new due to erosion of pot metal carburetors, so for a road car if a better mixture is obtained using a newer model then so be it. The original merchandise can always be kept on the shelf and sold with the car. Hope this helps.
Posted on: 2012/3/11 11:52
Re: 1935-1947 120 Carburetor Comments Please
Forum Ambassador
Like Forest Gump said, "....and that's all I have to say about that". I think that's what he said anyway. That movie is on tonite. One of my favorites. OK then EE-14 with vacuum base. Bowl on this one is stamped 10-29 ('37) but by the time you get this rebuilt and tuned, I forget what the difference is/minor... Since it may be clear my love for EE-14's is not great, I'm in a mood to offer this to you, and only you, under the following conditions - 1) make an appropriate donation to this website for the core value. 2) you pay shipping. Probably USPS Flat rate box is best? If you want to sell the EE-23 you are presently using, I'll buy it. The manifold choke plate, and simple rod which I do not have, we can deal with separately. I want to call MM and see if it is reproduced - I had thought not and am anxious to find out. Will post my findings. DAF
Posted on: 2012/3/11 17:44
Re: 1935-1947 120 Carburetor Comments Please
Forum Ambassador
Inquiry to MM -
Do you reproduce 302641 and/or 316190 manifold choke thermostat/springs? Rumor is you do, and I do not see listed on website. Please advise availability and price, thank you. DAF Reply from MM - David, No we don't ! JD
Posted on: 2012/3/13 10:26
Re: 1935-1947 120 Carburetor Comments Please
Home away from home
They may not reproduce them, but I did get one from JD.
As I said in the original post, not sure if it is repro or rebuilt. I am guessing now it is rebuilt. Tom
Posted on: 2012/3/17 19:06