Re: Intake manifold crack
Forum Ambassador
Hmmm..... A crack in an intake manifold - most uncommon.
Assuming the stresses that caused it to crack are still present, the crack may continue to propagate unless you take steps to stop it. Standard shop practice is to drill a small hole at each end of the crack to spread the stress out over a larger area. Then the question becomes, how to fill the drilled holes and the crack. Were it mine, I'd tap the two drilled holes for an NPT plug; thread in the plug, cut off the head and grind smooth. Then perhaps a little JB weld into the crack proper, and finish it off with a coat of paint. I would NOT use JB weld or similar to fill the holes I drilled at each end of the crack, sooner or later it will come loose and you know where it will go! Those skilled at welding or brazing cast iron have other options but the most important thing is to make sure the crack won't continue to grow and drilling at the very ends should stop that from happening.
Posted on: 2013/7/16 17:24
Re: Intake manifold crack
Home away from home
OD, thank you for always being there for my questions and the host of other Packard owners and their questions too. With the back up and support found over the years on this forum, I've found myself partly bullet proof and have plunged ahead learning and doing Packard repairs, always with the sure knowledge that if something gets too "hairy" there's always the forum and can rest assured that help, information and personal guidance is always available.
Speaking of which: I need a heat shroud on the exhaust manifold above the fuel pump......Anybody? I'm also posting on the wanted/sale forum too. Steve.......
Posted on: 2013/7/16 17:37
Old cars are my passion 1951 Packard 200 1953 Packard Clipper Custom Touring Sedan 1955 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer Tri-tone 1966 Rambler Classic 770 Convertible |
Re: Intake manifold crack
Forum Ambassador
Fuel pump heat shrouds have been in repro a long time. I believe John Ulrich is the best source. Image from his current catalog which I picked up at the PAC National in Pontiac. He has quite a few repro parts that I wasn't aware were available - ask him for a catalog.
John Ulrich 510-223-9587
Posted on: 2013/7/16 17:41
Re: Intake manifold crack
Home away from home
Jeeeez, OD, I think I'm going to adopt you and take you home.
Posted on: 2013/7/16 17:44
Old cars are my passion 1951 Packard 200 1953 Packard Clipper Custom Touring Sedan 1955 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer Tri-tone 1966 Rambler Classic 770 Convertible |
Re: Intake manifold crack
Home away from home
I have never seen such a crack in an inlet manifold. The casting at the carburettor base also looks rather rough. I suggest that it is a casting imperfection and if I am not mistaken, you can see a faint continuation of the casting line on the upper right branch of the defect. I may of course be incorrect and if it actually is a crack Dave's advice is very sound.
Posted on: 2013/7/16 17:59
I like people, Packards and old motorbikes
Re: Intake manifold crack
Forum Ambassador
I could be wrong but don't think Ulrich's will fit the 327 without some mods. Not sure about the actual mounting ears being different but IIRC there may be an issue with the gas line and vacuum line routes to fuel pump clearing the shroud. If Big Kev has a decent photo in his blog take note of any slots or clearance notches which might not be there on Ulrich's. His are made for earlier engines.
Posted on: 2013/7/16 18:03
Re: Intake manifold crack
Home away from home
Yes the crack does look that way in the picture. I'm not able to return to the car for a closer look until the end of next week, (taking the RV out). Perhaps I should look into another intake since it would appear that I will be drilling and tapping 3 cracks and what ever else I find upon further disassembly. However, that will happen after next week. Thank you for your input Peter Packard, And as well HH56, I'll check Kev's blog.
Posted on: 2013/7/16 18:08
Old cars are my passion 1951 Packard 200 1953 Packard Clipper Custom Touring Sedan 1955 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer Tri-tone 1966 Rambler Classic 770 Convertible |
Re: Intake manifold crack
Home away from home
The intake manifold is double walled in that area so that exhaust gasses can circulate around the intake ports for fuel vaporization. A crack there will not affect the running but if left alone could get loud.
I have seen that before on cars where that heating passage was heavily choked with carbon. My guess is that moisture would condense there on a short startup and sometime later freeze. So while you have your manifold apart I would separate the halves and do a little excavation up in there. Sandblasting is the best, and then you can do the crack repair as OD mentions. Or find another manifold. If it is a 2bbl, I have about 6 or 7 I would sell you. Oh, and I have correct heat shields for 53.
Posted on: 2013/7/16 18:15
Re: Intake manifold crack
Home away from home
Ross, I wouldn't need 6 or 7 manifolds, just one (JOKE, just kidding)....Thanks for the offer and direction to fix or replace. I'll know more when I get back' thank you on the heat shield I'll take care of business when I return.
Posted on: 2013/7/16 18:21
Old cars are my passion 1951 Packard 200 1953 Packard Clipper Custom Touring Sedan 1955 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer Tri-tone 1966 Rambler Classic 770 Convertible |