Re: Horn RelaySettings
Forum Ambassador
Page 25 in the electrical section of 51-4 service manual has specs and info on adjusting air gap for that horn. Expect other year horns are probably the same or at least close. The 55-6 manual has a better photo but less info. I agree the contacts are way too far apart. IIRC, the contacts are closed when horn is off and only move a few thousandths when magnet and diaphragm activated.
Posted on: 2014/3/14 0:10
Re: Horn RelaySettings
Just can't stay away
Thanks. I checked that out, and it will be helpful if I have a 'horn' problem. The issue right now is the 'horn relay' and I didn't see anything about the 'relay' in either the
51-54, or 55-56 Service Manuals.
Posted on: 2014/3/14 22:15
Re: Horn RelaySettings
Forum Ambassador
Horn relays aren't serviced, in the very rare event of a failure they are replaced. NAPA has them for just a few dollars, NAPA #HR-101 for Packard 12-volt, NAPA HR 100 for Packard 6-volt.
Posted on: 2014/3/14 22:22
Re: Horn RelaySettings
Forum Ambassador
The relay has no spec. It is considered a service item and just replaced if bad. If I had to guess, I'd say the gap should be in the neighborhood of no more than 1/8". The armature needs to be close enough to the coil that it can be attracted when power is applied. It needs to move far enough away from the contact that there is a clean break. If that can't be obtained then I would replace it.
Posted on: 2014/3/14 22:22