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21 and 22-23?? series hood bumpers.
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I was halfway thru getting a pattern ready to cast some new pieces out of urethane rubber when an anomaly came to light. The pieces I have are different. Each is formed with rubber vulcanized to a piece of sheet metal. That metal has a V shape in the middle of the round rubber portion so logically it should only go one way. The anomaly comes to view when you look at the recessed openings for the screws When mounted with screws in place, one round portion is up, the other is down.

These two pieces are attached to the fenders so that the hood rests on them in some fashion. Not quite sure what their purpose is. I originally thought it was to prevent the hood from sliding away when opening which would seem to want the round portion up. After looking at where they mount, what I have and some photos of other cars, am thoroughly confused.

Can someone please tell me which is correct. Photo's I've collected of the same side seem to show them both ways. Is the protruding portion on top or bottom. If on top, it goes smack in the middle of the opening where one would put their fingers to grab the hood and takes up most of the finger space. If protrusion is on the bottom, what is the purpose of the piece since it doesn't seem like it would stop the hood from sliding or do much of anything, for that matter.

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Posted on: 2014/6/26 13:11
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Re: 21 and 22-23?? series hood bumpers.
Home away from home
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howard; on 22 series the lip goes up to out side edge of fender, they support the hood when open, pins and lock hold closed side of hood in place. dell

Posted on: 2014/6/26 13:39

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Re: 21 and 22-23?? series hood bumpers.
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Howard, here are a couple of photos of the pads on my Custom. Like Dell says the lip is up and supports the hood when open. The pads are well forward of the release and do not interfere with opening the hood. Hope this helps.


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Posted on: 2014/6/26 13:51
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Re: 21 and 22-23?? series hood bumpers.
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That is the way I will make them then -- rounded portion down and flat side toward the hood.. Makes me wonder what I have so that one of mine appears to be molded backward. I could see it deforming if it was rubber alone but with the formed sheetmetal in the center it makes it much harder to believe that happend. Any speculation on the purpose? The hood has several round bumpers of the same thickness along the length so it would seem this piece does very little functionally or cushion wise. Maybe a visual indication of where to lift??

Posted on: 2014/6/26 14:24
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Re: 21 and 22-23?? series hood bumpers.
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I know nothing about these so here is a wild guess: could the 'reversed' piece be a ring-in from another model? Or possibly it adds extra protection if the bonnet (hood) is accidentally lowered inwards when folded?

Posted on: 2014/6/26 18:51
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Re: 21 and 22-23?? series hood bumpers.
Forum Ambassador
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I originally thought the sun and pressure had just caused the rubber to collapse on one until I found the metal shape inside. The first two photos above show other cars with the same situation. The pink car has it one way and the blue car the other. It is interesting why they are different.The hood is one large stamping that just tilts up the same way from either side so no folding. Same piece works on both sides of hood so doesn't appear to be a right and left thing.

Suppose it could be from another model that got in replacement stock & maybe someone will recognize or know what else used similar. Went ahead and filled in the missing chunks of rubber on the one with the flat side up and the round protruding side down & will make a mold to pour new ones.

Posted on: 2014/6/26 20:35
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Re: 21 and 22-23?? series hood bumpers.
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Howard, the bumpers on my Clipper have the flat part on the bottom and the rounded lip on the top. They do not have a metal backing. Here are two photo showing the hood resting on the RH side one and a close up of the LH bumper. They serve to help support the open side of the hood. Hope these help.

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Posted on: 2014/6/27 11:19
We move toward
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What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer)
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Re: 21 and 22-23?? series hood bumpers.
Forum Ambassador
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This is turning into quite the question for something so insignificant. I can't quite picture how they support anything -- other than when the hood is flat and is resting on the wide portion. Thought they did help hold the hood originally but then realized the finger hold is in that location so when closed & the rounded rubber up it will be inside that depression and down will be against the fender so I see it not doing much either way . Maybe a new piece sticks up far enough to reach the top of depression when hood is open on opposite side.

The metal is inside with the rubber molded all around it. I only knew it was there because my rubber is so hard a large chunk broke off and exposed the metal V shape inside the rounded portion. A bit of sanding on the non screw head side showed there is just a very thin layer of rubber covering. Metal is right at the bottom of the molded screw opening so the screws are actually holding metal with a thin layer of rubber covering. Roughly 1/8" or screw head thickness rubber over the metal on top.. I think I will make a mold for both configurations. There has got to be a reason Packard made different pieces.

Posted on: 2014/6/27 11:44
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Re: 21 and 22-23?? series hood bumpers.
Home away from home
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The rubber bumper acts as a pivot on the edge of the hood when it is opened from the opposite side. The parts book refers to it as a pivot in Group 0.0015

The part number is different for 22nd & 23rd Series and more are used - 3 per side for the Custom 8 instead of 1 per side for the 21st Series. The profile may be different for the later ones, more of a wedge shape.

The attached photos show the 22nd Series bumpers for comparison.

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Posted on: 2014/6/27 14:16
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Re: 21 and 22-23?? series hood bumpers.
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Thanks. At least I know what they are for now. Near as I can tell, neither of mine look like the 22nd series piece so don't think a later item was installed. Compared to what I have, JW's car might have them though. Still at a loss as to why the difference in the two that was on this car. Will see what I can do repro'ing what I have and use whichever works best.

Posted on: 2014/6/27 15:12
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