Re: Voltage Regulator Issues???
Home away from home
My dad has the paper copy of the Service Manual at his house. I could not find an electronic version of the electrical section that describes the operation of the voltage regulator. Does anyone have a copy or can direct me to the appropriate page?
Here is a picture of the voltage regulator on his car. Looking at the wire diagram it looks to be a Autolite unit. I dont want to just replace parts unless I know for sure what the problem was...Is there a test procedure for the voltage regulator? Bill Attach file: (20.35 KB)
Posted on: 2015/9/27 18:43
Dedicated to keeping the man who owns one on the road!!! |
Re: Voltage Regulator Issues???
Forum Ambassador
There was almost nothing covered electrically in the 46-50 manual but there is a write up in the electrical section VIII in the 51-4 service manual and almost the same info but with better photos and illustrations in section 8 of the 55-6 manual. Both are available as individual section downloads from the Service Manual category in the literature section.
There is also an Autolite training manual on their generators and which goes into a bit more basic detail. It would serve as a primer for how a Delco system would operate too but there is a bit of mechanical difference in how things are situated and adjusted Delco vs Autolite.
Posted on: 2015/9/27 18:57
Re: Voltage Regulator Issues???
Home away from home
Howard...somehow I knew you would be the man to ask!!!
I noticed the price of the Autolite manual was 25 cents...what is that in today's money??? Priceless!!!!
Posted on: 2015/9/27 19:02
Dedicated to keeping the man who owns one on the road!!! |
Re: Voltage Regulator Issues???
Home away from home
Sounds almost like the points are sticking on the cut out portion of the regulator..... John
Posted on: 2015/9/27 21:33
Re: Voltage Regulator Issues???
Forum Ambassador
Agree with ptv, burnish (don't file) the cutout point set. Don't forget to disconnect the battery before you do it.
Posted on: 2015/9/27 22:59
Re: Voltage Regulator Issues???
Home away from home
Will give that a go and report back.
THANKS!!! Bill
Posted on: 2015/9/28 18:01
Dedicated to keeping the man who owns one on the road!!! |
Re: Voltage Regulator Issues???
Home away from home
If most likely stuck VR doesn't solve it;
wiring looks a bit toasted, may need to check for insulation losses. Short is best way I know to pull full amps. If the gen is gone(brushes) that's another one to check. When it cuts to gen, it may not be putting out and draws battery further. When gen is off, it's OK. Eventually the battery dies. Lights will be dim. I like a installed volt meter in my generator cars so you can better determine what's going on. It appears the "ammeter" is functioning but there's some other that need checked as well to rule out its not a gauge issue.
Posted on: 2015/9/29 16:20