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1950 standard transmission fluid questions
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

John Zicha
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I have a 1950 8 manual transmission. I feel like an idiot asking this question, but where do I check the manual transmission fluid? The only info I can find is in the service manual where it says that a standard transmission has 2 pints of fluid. It doesn't say what type either.

Yesterday with my car idling I noticed a burning smell and some smoking that smelled like a burning clutch. I wasn't driving it though. then I couldn't get it to go in any gear except 1st. I drove it in a circle into the garage and was then able to get it in reverse also. I was just wondering what could cause this. The car did sit for over 10 years and it's been shifting and driving perfectly transmission wise until today.

Posted on: 2017/9/12 0:11
1950 Packard Standard 8- plain jane no options!
24,000 original miles
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Re: 1950 standard transmission fluid questions
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

John Zicha
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this picture is from above through the front floor board access area. It's on the passenger side towards the front of the car in front of the bell housing. I haven't touched it yet.

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Posted on: 2017/9/12 7:30
1950 Packard Standard 8- plain jane no options!
24,000 original miles
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Re: 1950 standard transmission fluid questions
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

John Zicha
See User information
This bolt is on the same side as the above picture. I removed this one and a little bit of dark oil came out (smelled like gear oil).

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Posted on: 2017/9/12 7:32
1950 Packard Standard 8- plain jane no options!
24,000 original miles
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Re: 1950 standard transmission fluid questions
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

John Zicha
See User information
I removed this bolt and nothing came out whatsoever. I would assume that this would be where the 2 pints of trans fluid SHOULD be? Does this take gear oil AND manual transmission fluid?

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Posted on: 2017/9/12 7:35
1950 Packard Standard 8- plain jane no options!
24,000 original miles
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Re: 1950 standard transmission fluid questions
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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The drain and fill ports on your transmission use threaded plugs with a four-sided (square) head, not bolts with a six-sided hex head. Look closely again and you'll find them. Drain, you might want to flush with some kerosene, and refill with gear oil, single viscosity (SAE 90) or multivis SAE 85-140 as you wish; the gear oil topic has been almost endlessly commented on here, you might try a search or perhaps others will come along with advice.

I'm guessing you're not very familiar with the lubrication needs of your car. If so, I strongly suggest you go to the Packard Club website, select LUBE from the menu bar, and open and review the Texaco lubrication chart for your car - it will cover all the points needing regular lubrication. You should also consider buying a reprint of the owner's manual which covers the same and more information.

Posted on: 2017/9/12 9:37
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Re: 1950 standard transmission fluid questions
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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To go along with Owen_Dyneto's recommendations here is a better photo with good views showing the plug locations. Also, here is part of a factory article of how oil circulates inside the trans and OD. Along with the circulation information Packard also mentioned how to properly check or fill and drain the units.

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Posted on: 2017/9/12 9:56
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Re: 1950 standard transmission fluid questions
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

John Zicha
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Thank you!! I've never had a car this old before so I need to learn what needs to be done to make it last! I never knew there were 2 parts to a manual transmission. What does OD stand for? Im used to it being overdrive but this is only a 3 speed. Just to clarify, both will use the same fluid?

Posted on: 2017/9/12 10:42
1950 Packard Standard 8- plain jane no options!
24,000 original miles
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Re: 1950 standard transmission fluid questions
Home away from home
Home away from home

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your first picture is the drain plug, second is the fill plug. the third one is the fifth bolt in an overdrive bellhousing, as you do not have an overdrive transmission i would guess the engine or transmission has been changed some time in the past. most none overdrive cars have a sheet metal cover i believe.

you got one in as i was writing, same gear lube- you would love an overdrive as you can cruse with the traffic on the freeway.

Posted on: 2017/9/12 10:52

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Re: 1950 standard transmission fluid questions
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Hi zeke418

OD = overdrive

Posted on: 2017/9/12 13:31
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Re: 1950 standard transmission fluid questions
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

John Zicha
See User information
Thanks. I guess back then it was a 2 speed and third was OD.
I was playing around underneath the car and can shift the rods manually into gears under the car. But I can't do it from the lever in the car on the column. I friends had an old ford and said it happened on his occasionally in which he would tap on the linkage with a hammer and then it would free up. Obviously a hammer isn't the best remedy, but wondering if there is something common that would jam it up?

Posted on: 2017/9/12 20:11
1950 Packard Standard 8- plain jane no options!
24,000 original miles
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