Re: Air filter replacement material 1948 ?
Forum Ambassador
I think you may have to go to Mexico and buy a Kapok tree, and then shred the bark. No, not joking, that's what the material was. Wish I could give you a practical answer, but perhaps someone else will have a suggestion. Perhaps some other type of vegatable matter might work, maybe coconut husk?
Posted on: 2009/5/24 18:10
Re: Air filter replacement material 1948 ?
Forum Ambassador
I don't know about a source for the fiber material but some have had success substituting a copper mesh from the hardware or supermarket--commonly used as pot scrubbers. Believe one brand was "Chore Girl". Only remember seeing a single size "mesh" -- but just be sure to get the kind without soap.
No idea how much of your original material would have to be removed to get rid of the bad but that would determine how many you would need. A bit tedious as it has to be stuffed thru the holes since the cleaner is crimped together but with patience, can be done--looks & works decently too.
Posted on: 2009/5/24 18:26
Re: Air filter replacement material 1948 ?
Just can't stay away
Thanks for the info I looked up Kapok tree and really got an education. The Kapok tree can be use to treat a range of illness including stopping blood from a wound. If you get injured just whip off your Packard air filter and your good to go.
Posted on: 2009/5/24 18:43
Re: Air filter replacement material 1948 ?
Forum Ambassador
The kapok fibre is very oleophillic (oil-loving) which is also why it was the standard for marine life preservers for so many years. Also the reason for it's compatibility with oil bath filters, probably the same stuff in the crankcase oil breather caps.
Posted on: 2009/5/24 18:58
Re: Air filter replacement material 1948 ?
Just can't stay away
Unfortunately, 'Chore Girls' are getting difficult to find in some urban areas. Seems 'crack-heads' use them in their drug usage and many cities have banned the sale.
Posted on: 2009/5/24 23:16
Re: Air filter replacement material 1948 ?
Forum Ambassador
I hadn't heard Chore Girls had been put on a hit list, but when it comes to drugs and what people will do, not much surprises anymore. If nothing else is available locally, here is something that looks like it has possibilities--if rolled or wadded and made to look like a scrub pad. There's also several other copper mesh products on Amazon that might work. I also looked for anything with Kapok and don't see anything fibrous and close to what was used. The stuff advertised seems to be almost like cotton and used in pillows and outdoor gear.
Posted on: 2009/5/25 0:09
Re: Air filter replacement material 1948 ?
Home away from home
ralwes, I don't know how dedicated you are to your original air filter arrangement, but if it is the oil bath type I suggest fitting a modern pleated paper element in place of the section on which you are working. There is no direct replacement listing, but you can locate one by taking the diameter and height measurements from your part and matching it up with an air filter from the parts store. When you find the correct new type, it will not be obvious to the eye when installed. Keep the original section from your air filter for showing purposes if you like. Good luck.
Posted on: 2009/5/25 10:26
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |
Re: Air filter replacement material 1948 ?
Just can't stay away
Thanks guys I found copper mesh 6" wide 20' long for $13.00 free shipping. Should I preserve the Kapok material or just replace it?
Posted on: 2009/5/25 11:51
Re: Air filter replacement material 1948 ?
Forum Ambassador
Don't recall anyone saying they had replaced it all--usually the problem was the stuff had rotted and was just coming out the holes in chunks.
Unless all bad, I would pull out the worst stuff until you get down to what looks to be intact and then replace with the copper. If you can leave the stuff toward the top undisturbed that gives a bit of the original for filter in case the mesh isn't quite fine enough or gaps are present. Of course, if the Kapok is compacted so bad air can't get thru or it's flaking off and can get into engine, then would replace.
Posted on: 2009/5/25 12:38