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harmonic balancer
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how do I remove the harmonic balancer on a '29 standard 8 engine. the only thing I see inside is the gizmo for the hand crank. is there a special tool. if so where can I get one?

Posted on: 2015/4/18 13:27
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Re: harmonic balancer
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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First, to remove the retaining bolt, it you can't do it with the crank, just make a tool like the original by taking a suitable size 3/4 drive socket and grinding two grooves to engage the pins - I doubt you'll find the original tool but this is all that it was. After the retaining screw is out, you'll need something equivalent to Packard's Special Tool (S.T.) #5002. In principle it's not different than modern tools for this purpose, I'll attach a photo later this evening.

Fortunately the usually come off quite easily. For reinstallation you might consider packing a bit of dry ice on the crankshaft snout for a short time, the damper may well then just slide back on without any significant force.

Attach file:

jpg  (118.46 KB)
177_5532d84caf387.jpg 628X949 px

Posted on: 2015/4/18 15:26
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Re: harmonic balancer
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The harmonic balancer on the '29 Standard eight does not look like that one in the photo which I guess is from a later model. The '29 balancer is bolted to the front of the fan pulley with 6 bolts threaded into the pulley and is centred by a light press fit onto a shallow spigot on the face of the pulley. The balancer needs to be pulled away from the pulley and this may be achievable with a couple of wedges 180 deg apart but bear in mind the fan pulley is quite fragile and easily cracked. Otherwise a large 3 jaw puller will be needed.
The crank dog does not hold the harmonic balancer in place and in fact does not need to be removed. The centre of the harmonic balancer is clear of the crank dog. Its all very confined and if the engine is still in the car the radiator will need to be removed.
It is also worth mentioning that the cross sectional drawings of the 626/633 engines in the handbook and parts book show the harmonic balancer behind the fan pulley (in between the pulley and the engine) however this is not correct, its on the front.

Posted on: 2015/4/19 2:01
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Re: harmonic balancer
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Retiredtrucker, I apologize for the incorrect advice, I was assuming (I know, I know...) the damper was similar to that used a few years later. I should have known better and kept my mouth shut.

Posted on: 2015/4/19 8:11
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Re: harmonic balancer
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Tim Cole
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On 6th series cars there are actually two types. One bolts together. Anyway, the service manual has a section dealing with removal. They do not list any special tools other than two C-clamps to prevent the unit from separating during removal and installation. It should come off readily after use of penetrating oil.

Inside the unit is a friction disc for which there is no information (at least that I have ever found). The disc wears out and results in vibration - a very common problem with those motors. The manual also talks about lubrication and adjustment but does not detail a procedure (how about that?). So maybe somewhere is a written instruction in an old motors manual.

As far as adjustment, it is obvious that considerable force should be required to rotate the damper when running but, again, I have never seen an interference spec for the friction disc.

Hope this helps.

Posted on: 2015/4/19 8:16
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Re: harmonic balancer
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Let the ride decide
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There were a few threads on the subject, but I'm not sure if it will help;
packardinfo.com/xoops/html/modules/newbb ... ic_id=13878&forum=1&post_id=141446&

Posted on: 2015/4/19 11:34
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Re: harmonic balancer
Home away from home
Home away from home

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The threads referred to above by "Let the ride decide" are for an earlier model and the removal procedure is different, that one appears to be behind the fan pulley like most if not all other models.
As far as I am aware the harmonic balancer set up on the 626/633 models is unique to that model and brought about by the fact that Packard "shoehorned" an eight cylinder engine into the space designed for a six. A couple of extra inches between radiator and scuttle would have made a big difference. The same problem exists with the 626/633 front mounted water pump, its an awful design made necessary by lack of space
I agree with Tim's comment about adjusting the rotational interference, I have sought that information for many years without success.

Posted on: 2015/4/19 16:56
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