Re: Overheating
Home away from home
Whose Carib is that in front of your car????? Does the owner post here at P' Beautiful car. Carib or Pat is my next car.
Posted on: 2010/12/3 19:24
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: Overheating
Home away from home
Overheating is boiling over, not good. Running hot is running over normal temperature but not bling over. This is the cooling system doing its job. Temperature differential over a good radiator core is a lot less than you would think, about 15 degrees or so I had a 1950 Eight for 13 years that i recently sold. Our local club does lots of parades, the fees we get help out our treasury. After 5 or 10 minutes the temperature gauge would go over the H mark and stay there until the car was driven at speed. It never boiled over, but it scared me every time it happened. We went over the cooling system numerous times. We checked the accuracy of the temperature gauge and it was on the mark. The block and distribution tube were squeaky clean. Three summers ago I spent a lot of time and money going through the whole system exhaustively. I even bought a 4 row radiator for it despite the radiator man telling me I didn't need it. We found a lot of smoking guns and fixed them, but the car behaved the same way. Conclusion, if the car doesn't boil over the cooling system is doing its job Regards John Harley
Posted on: 2010/12/3 23:18
Re: Overheating
Home away from home
I realize that the cars in question here are from '56 but didn't the '55s have a overheating problem? I think I read that somewhere and that Packard came up with a fairly simple fix - which was designed into the '56 models.
As a '55 owner I was just curious.
Posted on: 2010/12/4 21:36
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan (parts ?) 1951 Patrician Touring Sedan 1955 Patrician Touring Sedan |
Re: Overheating
Forum Ambassador
Hmmmm..... I've read most of the 55/56 Service Counselors and Technical Service Bulletins and don't recall any information about cooling system upgrades in 1956 in response to overheating problems in 1955. Did I miss something?
Posted on: 2010/12/5 0:11
Re: Overheating
Home away from home
Well, I'm not betting my Packards on it but it seems I read something about that in one of the old car publications. The claim was made that during the design phase for the '55, the amount of air flow needed for the cooing system was miscalculated (pre-CAD). By way of proof the author noted the Bumper Bullets were moved to under the headlights and the lower grill opening was enlarged.
Personally, I hope that I got it wrong and that wasn't a problem. On the other hand, I was shocked when I saw that the lower opening on the '55 was so small - especially, when much of the area was "blacked out" to make it look like it went from bullet to bullet.
Posted on: 2010/12/5 1:25
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan (parts ?) 1951 Patrician Touring Sedan 1955 Patrician Touring Sedan |
Re: Overheating
Home away from home
OK, that is a new one. In my 35 years of owning/ being around 55 Packards, plus another twenty-odd years of experience of my late friend Don Boger, V-8 overheating has been a non-issue, excepting standard neglect issues.
Don bought perhaps more than a dozen V-8s, predominantly 55,s from the early sixties through the early seventies. They were among the cheapest used cars available at the time and, they were driven by the whole family to work, shopping, and his daughters took a pair to college. I believe some journalist was trying to fill an empty page.
Posted on: 2010/12/5 7:14
Re: Overheating
Home away from home
I'll have too agree 100% with Ross and Owen Dyneto. I especialy agree with Ross when he says:
"I believe some journalist was trying to fill an empty page." Most of the monthly magazine news stand type publications contain information exactly as reliable as Ross explains. Note that there is a 55 or maybe 56 SC or STB that adresses CLipper grill air deflector but claims the defeletor modification is to prevent a whistleing noise at speed. I know of no Packard specific evidence of any production 55 or 56 overheating issues.
Posted on: 2010/12/5 8:33
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f |
Re: Overheating
Home away from home
Whose Carib is that in front of your car????? Does the owner post here at P' Beautiful car. Carib or Pat is my next car.
Some guy in the neighborhood. No. Actually a friend and a member of POC. What's the stock fan on that car look like? To me it looks like any other fan. My memory says no shroud.
Posted on: 2010/12/5 14:28
When two men ride the same horse, one has to be in the back...
Re: Overheating
Home away from home
Hey Owen, Ross & PackardV8; thanks for taking out of the very few concerns I had about my '55. That is what is so great about this site: in enables me to go "right to the horse's mouth" about things like this. As you say; it could be a writer with too much time and too few brains.
It could also be a "miss-information" project by another automaker(s). It could also be a symptom of creeping senility on my end.
Posted on: 2010/12/5 15:21
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan (parts ?) 1951 Patrician Touring Sedan 1955 Patrician Touring Sedan |