Re: Wiring Diagram for R-6 Overdrive
Home away from home
Ernie, based on a comment after my post, it might be postwar R9 rather than R6 as it has a switch on it. It's in the Classified Ads of my site linked below and I guess I should have looked there to refresh my memory before posting!
Posted on: 2021/5/15 19:35
Re: Wiring Diagram for R-6 Overdrive
Home away from home
I don't know if this will be any help- but when I installed an R 11 in my 38 coupe I didn't use a kickdown switch. I just broke the connection from the governor to the relay with a toggle on my dash. I usually run with the OD energized all the time but when I want to go into "regular" drive I just flip the toggle and give the clutch a touch and bingo "regular" drive
Posted on: 2021/5/16 6:34
1938 1601 Club Coupe