Re: Has anyone ever seen a 56 with predictor fins? pics inside.
Forum Ambassador
I can't fault them that much for the tail pipes although that extension is a bit much. I added straight chrome sleeves to extend mine about half an inch past the inner port. Mine don't extend past the bumper much but after paying for a rechrome where both outer holes had been eaten down to bare metal because of exhaust drips and the right side inner port thing eaten away I said to heck with correct and went with practical.
Posted on: 2016/4/3 17:40
Re: Has anyone ever seen a 56 with predictor fins? pics inside.
Home away from home
Please! Somebody please put the factory skirts back on this car. The home-grown Predictor airfoils are one thing... but taking the skirts off is quite another! Let it at least have dignity in the morphings.
Hmmm... and last time I saw this car it was black & white. Now it's how-now-brown-cow? Interesting. Somewhere Ed Macauley must be smiling...
Posted on: 2016/4/3 20:54