Re: 1953 Caribbean Prototype
Quite a regular
I am sorry that you were raked over the coals. Thank you for your contributions to the website and hobby.
Matt H PDX, OR
Posted on: 2017/3/8 12:51
Re: 1953 Caribbean Prototype
Home away from home
With all due respect, Ozstatsman has neither endorsed nor declared the Caribbean in question to be a prototype. He has merely added this car to a list-whatever it turns out to be in the end.
As for photos, I have personally seen numerous photos of the vehicle in question and I don't think there is anyone breathing who ought to know the prototype better. And while I am also not making any "declarations" this car does have tantalizing aspects. And these are things that someone competent with these cars would know better than folks arguing on the internet about who did what and when and where and how in an academic or sterile environment. There are photos that exist of the the original prototype being built. I personally have a full set of these very photos (yes, that no one has seen all but some are in the new Creative Industries book). I also knew people who worked on the prototype car. So there was one and all of the arguments aside, there are ways of vetting (no pun intended) this vehicle. Or not. Whether the vehicle being discussed in this forum is the same vehicle and all of the other issues that went with it... has yet to be resolved. But there have been people of sufficient knowledge looking at this vehicle. So it is not necessarily a "fraud"... whatever it turns pout to be.
Posted on: 2017/3/8 12:55
Re: 1953 Caribbean Prototype
Quite a regular
Thanks Leeedy, I hesitate to put names out on this forum, but thank you for stepping up.
Matt H PDX, OR
Posted on: 2017/3/8 13:10
Re: 1953 Caribbean Prototype
Home away from home
... How is this websites roster reliable now? ... Mal (Ozstatman) was the reason for coining the term reliability.
Posted on: 2017/3/8 19:10
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on
Re: 1953 Caribbean Prototype
Not too shy to talk
Here is a picture of some brazing work done on my car. The holes in the fenders and doors have been filled in as the Caribbean did not carry the Central spear like the 52 conv.
Posted on: 2017/3/9 11:48
Re: 1953 Caribbean Prototype
Quite a regular
On the picture of the brazed in trim hole, please note that there is another brazed in hole on the lip of the fender. When I first was guided to look for the trim hole patches I did not know what to expect, I was exited to find the patches, but not overly excited. I told myself that the fender could have been replacement fender from a sedan. I then removed the paint from the lip of the fender and found the holes for the mounting of the Caribbean "eyebrow" and they had been brazed at some point. If you look at the lip of the fender you can see an example of the brazing.
Posted on: 2017/3/9 11:59
Re: 1953 Caribbean Prototype
Not too shy to talk
Here is a broader picture of the fender and its customization.
Posted on: 2017/3/9 12:08
Re: 1953 Caribbean Prototype
Quite a regular
With any luck there should be two photos attached. Please look at them carefully. Notice any difference? A friend pointed it out to me.
The tail light mounting angles are different. One is much more pronounced than the other.
Posted on: 2017/3/9 13:32
Re: 1953 Caribbean Prototype
Quite a regular
Sorry, the photos are up right on my phone.
Posted on: 2017/3/9 13:38