Re: 1953 patrician maiden voyage
Home away from home
Before assuming your Ultramatic is toast, I'd check the measurement on the linkage and a do it yourself band adjustment wouldn't be a bad idea either. If your High has died there should be some debris in the pan and in the screen to show for it. It's possible a previous owner "destroyed the evidence" but it doesn't seem likely. I mean dropping the transmission pan for an inspection is not standard car shopping activity . Last week when I drove my '51 I thought I'd lost High Range but it's just getting so smooth that it's hard to tell. Plus I'd been driving my '55 which DID have harsh lock-ups so I was waiting for something that wasn't there. I'm happy to say the '55s shifts are now so smooth that I have to listen for a change in the exhaust note to tell.
I really would go through and check the linkage. Many on this site can tell you how absolutely critical the exact settings are and how when they are even a little off can cause all sorts of symptoms and eventually problems. This site has all the info you will need to check your measurements and do the band adjustment. Believe me I checked all of mine for even though there is a Ultramatic Tech here in Portland, he is not inexpensive! Fortunately I haven't had to resort to him ------ yet. When you do get it all sorted you are in for a real treat. They are like no other car of the period or today. I love both of mine and only wish I had bought one (or two) sooner.
Posted on: 2012/7/19 19:21
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan (parts ?) 1951 Patrician Touring Sedan 1955 Patrician Touring Sedan |
Re: 1953 patrician maiden voyage
Home away from home
Found 2 mechanic's that have worked on ultramatic's. We are taking out the valve body tomorrow and see how it is and the throttle control rod adjustment to make sure its at 28 29/32. Here is hoping its one of the two.
Posted on: 2012/7/20 13:33
1953 Patrician
Re: 1953 patrician maiden voyage
Forum Ambassador
I remember a thread here somewhere about seals in the low or reverse pistons getting hard and leaking. The original Ultra piston tops get pressure to keep the pistons down when not applied. I believe it was mentioned a leaking seal could possibly bleed off pressure needed for high range clutch. Don't remember the entire symptom.
If Ross doesn't chime in and give details, maybe a PM to him would give additional things to look for when you take the valve body out. If you do remove the pistons remember to watch for the struts falling out of position in case it has the first style bands without the strut capture pins. Follow the latest procedure to adjust throttle linkage. It has the dimension to use since you probably won't have the special positioning
Posted on: 2012/7/20 15:06
Re: 1953 patrician maiden voyage
Home away from home
I fully agree, the low and reverse piston seals must be in good shape and pliable so that a lot of pressure is not bled off. Also of critical importance is the 5/16" adjustment mentioned in that service bulletin Howard highlighted.
If those two things are OK, then then you should have H range regardless of how out of adjustment the throttle linkage is. If there is no H at all, then chances are the high range clutch disks are completely fried or one of the two bushings that support the high range clutch drum have spun out of position cutting off fluid supply to the high clutch. Also possible that the timing valve is stuck.
Posted on: 2012/7/20 17:51
Re: 1953 patrician maiden voyage
Home away from home
How did you come out with your Ultramatic problems?
Posted on: 2012/7/24 21:34
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan (parts ?) 1951 Patrician Touring Sedan 1955 Patrician Touring Sedan |
Re: 1953 patrician maiden voyage
Home away from home
Too hot to do anything to the packard. Its been 102 everyday and low of 83 in the mornings.
Posted on: 2012/7/25 14:55
1953 Patrician
Re: 1953 patrician maiden voyage
Home away from home
You're right! Much too hot.
Posted on: 2012/7/25 18:23
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan
1951 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan (parts ?) 1951 Patrician Touring Sedan 1955 Patrician Touring Sedan |
Re: 1953 patrician maiden voyage
Home away from home
Can someone send some cool air or rain to Oklahoma city. It has been 100+ everyday. Its 5am 88 degrees, 112 high yesterday and today. Still no progress on the ultramatic.
Posted on: 2012/8/2 5:37
1953 Patrician
Re: 1953 patrician maiden voyage
Home away from home
We've been in your position more times than I care to remember Bob. In Fact, this is the first year in the last 14 that Florida is finally on target to meet our average yearly rainfall total yet 3/4ths of the rest of the country is currently experiencing the worst drought conditions since the dust bowl. Our thoughts and prayers are with you folks who need the rain so badly, we know how it feels. Hope your Ultramatic problem proves to be more simple than complicated.
Posted on: 2012/8/2 6:42