Re: series 22
Forum Ambassador
If the switch knob cable is properly adjusted and slider is moving to uncover the ports and not leaking, you may have some luck with lubrication per this bulletin. Instead of the Trico oil, some have suggested ordinary vacuum pump oil.
There are no real instructions on taking them apart and servicing other than remove the screws and the covers come off. To remove the paddle there are a couple of small valve pieces on the front that have to come out as well. Take note of how things are arranged. Rebuild parts are not available for user purchase. Those are only supplied and installed by the rebuilder. You may find the inside gummy but more likely the seals and other components have dried, shrunk or worn and need replacement. If that is the case a rebuild is the best option and Ficken does excellent Attach file: (48.70 KB)
Posted on: 2013/2/13 21:14
Re: series 22
Home away from home
Make sure vacuum line is connected correctly. My car the wipers did not work-they were connected incorrectly. If I remember-there are 2 ports-I think the one facing the outside of the car is left open to ambient. The other one is connected to the vacuum. If my memory is not correct someone will correct.
Posted on: 2013/2/14 8:31
Re: series 22
Home away from home
thank you howard i will try and oil it and see if it will work. greatful for the info lonny
Posted on: 2013/2/15 17:21
Re: series 22
Home away from home
I rebuilt my vacum wiper ,I went in out of despiration living in a rainy place ,no kit in hand ,I found the ancient lubricant hard as a rock inside but everything else looking good ,was able to use modern blue liquid gasket material carefully applied and went with silicone lubricant .reccomend rebuilding on a dinner plate to not loose teensy pieces and remember how it came apart ,use your phone for before pics,you need small phillips and straight screw drivers but nothing else
the device is simple and elegant with the flippy paddle and shuttle valve the cable arrangement under the hood howevwer is challanging the best part is the blank looks that you get from your family in responce to your radient just rebuilt my 1952 vacum wiper motor glow
Posted on: 2013/2/21 8:19
Re: series 22
Home away from home
Steve - on my wiper motors, I've removed the old lubricant and added fresh, but the gasket around the shaft always seems to be damaged. After you used the RTV gaskets, how well did the motor work?
Posted on: 2013/2/21 11:32
Re: series 22
Home away from home
great ,the original paper gasket is pretty flimsy .I would imagine if you find an NOS old rebuild kit, the gasket in it wll be decayed ,
the liquid gasket material has to be applied pretty carefully as the sealing area is physically narrow and theres holes to not plug up.youll get the great slap slap ,and a park feature ,the valve on the steering colomb can be turned 1/2 way to get a slower speed . interestingly now that I think of it my rebuild was about 1 yr ago and now the wiper is a bit slow to get going first thing now .I wonder if the silicone grease was a bad idea ?,I havent relubricated it and never did figure aout a way to lubricate the posts that go through the firewall that the wiper arms pivot on
Posted on: 2013/2/22 9:09