Re: 356 fanbelts
Put some chalk or other marking substance on both sides of the belt in one area and let it run a few minutes. Perhaps you will notice that the belt is rubbing on one side more that the other, and that is causing the noise. This would indicate as Dave pointed out that the pulleys are not in alignment with one another. Perhaps the spare water pump pulley was either pressed into to far or not enough and this is causing a small misalignement and belt rub on one side.
Posted on: 2013/3/15 16:25
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: 356 fanbelts
Home away from home
Maybe those sqeaky belts are too tight. Given the size of that belt there is an acceleration difference when it goes around pulleys.
The old timers I knew set those belts so that you could turn fan with the motor off. The manual says 25 lbs straight pull on the generator. That is not a lot of tension. You can approximate that with a torque wrench and mark the position with chalk.
Posted on: 2013/3/15 22:13
Re: 356 fanbelts
Home away from home
Thank you, Monsignor Cole. As is, there's p l e n t y of deflection in my fanbelt. I don't want to strain the water pump and generator bearings, and as stout as all these 356-compatible belts are, imagine they have to be exceedingly loose to slip. But if all else fails, i'll play around with the tension, too.
Here's a wee factoid for the rest of you 356ers. The original Packard part # fanbelt is one and the same as the old smooth (not cogged) Gates 676, with dimensions 52 1/2 inches x 1 1/16" x 44 degrees. The NOS smooth Gates 665 i have and may install IF i can't get this Gates "Green Stripe" cogged belt to hush, is the same width and degree angle as the Gates 676, just 1 1/2 inches (51") shorter, which will of course adjust away with the generator bracket.
Posted on: 2013/3/16 0:42
Re: 356 fanbelts
Home away from home
Took the car out Sunday, St. Patrick's Day, reasoning the smurfs'd be hungover, our horrendous Bay Area traffic lighter than the usual hell. Wonder of wonders, no belt noise. All i did was rub the sides of the belt with a wet bar of soap. 34 miles, and so far, to quote that wonderful 1934 Peter Helck Twelve ad, "Hush." Thanks again, gentlemen.
Posted on: 2013/3/18 15:16
Re: 356 fanbelts
Home away from home
Is this a replacement belt for the 356,
Posted on: 2013/4/13 21:42
Re: 356 fanbelts
Forum Ambassador
I'm really stretching my memory beyond a reliable limit, but my recollection is that the Gates Truck & Bus belt that fit the 356 was an 85-T. But if you have that 68-T belt in hand, easy enough to make measurements and you'll know.
Posted on: 2013/4/13 22:33