Accident in Europe
Forum Ambassador
Unfortunate incident, from the German website Blick and comes my way via G?nther Hoyt. A bit hard to tell from the photo but the other vehicle may have gotten the worst of it. One just hopes no serious personal injuries. A good reminder not to chintz on insurance and especially with cars of this vintage to be ever mindful of the limitations of the vehicle in terms of steering, braking, quick maneuvering, etc. ... tm_medium=social&utm_campaign=blick
Posted on: 2016/4/7 12:01
Re: Accident in Europe
Forum Ambassador
Danke sch?n, Herr Flack. Kannst du Deutsch sprechen or did you use translation software? If in fact a wheel failure add metal fatique to the list of things to worry about, I had a wire spoke wheel fail years back on my '34 but fortunately pulled over to the side of the road when I felt a bit of "wobble" and was completely stopped and on the shoulder by the time the wheel collapsed. Harder to visualize a wheel failure with a disteel wheel unless the locking ring failed (it does happen!, usually attributed to hydrogen embrittlement from chrome plating).
Posted on: 2016/4/7 12:22
Re: Accident in Europe
Home away from home
It would appear that there are two locking rings lying on the grass. That the rear wheel is missing one.
Posted on: 2016/4/7 21:20
Re: Accident in Europe
Forum Ambassador
It could have been a lot worse!
Posted on: 2016/4/8 7:54
Re: Accident in Europe
Home away from home
Looks like that car rolled, at least that one is obvious from the picture.
I looked at a prewar packard last summer that was in an auction. When I went through all the documentation on site 2 days before the auction I discovered that the car rolled back in the 50's. Upon closer inspection I decided that the car had to be really cheap for me to bid on it. Needless to say the car went for almost double what I wanted to spend. In the pictures of the auction company you couldn't see the structural damage but upon close inspection it was obvious. The buyer probably wasn't aware of it cause 8 months later the car was offered again for auction on the other side of the country, and sold for the same amount again.
Posted on: 2016/4/8 8:14
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you
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