Re: 833 packard cigar lighter info
Forum Ambassador
Diagram on the Packard Club website, select "Wiring" from the menu bar, then your year and model. It's fed off the output side of the ammeter.
Posted on: 2017/5/11 11:37
Re: 833 packard cigar lighter info
Forum Ambassador
The AEA schematic at PAC is a fairly poor copy but here is a slightly colored version better showing the direct connection between the lighter and the current limiter and fuse..It looks as if there is a common terminal where the reading light, body lights and cigar lighter all connect.
Posted on: 2017/5/11 11:46
Re: 833 packard cigar lighter info
Home away from home
I understand which wire is the hot for the cigar lighter, my issue is which wire to connect to where on the cigar lighter.
there is a center bolt connection and one out on the outside, I think one is ground and one is hot but I dont know which position is which. Sorry to be so uneducated about all this!
Posted on: 2017/5/11 14:50
1925 333 Phaeton
1926 Phantom 1 Rolls Royce 1926 Hudon super six Coupe 1927 Peerless Roadster 1927 433 7 passenger limo 1928 Peerless coupe 1929 Peerless Boatail coupe 1929 Phantom I Rolls Royce 1930 Springfield Phantom 1 Regent 1931 L-29 Cord 1931 833 Convertible 1931 833 Opera Coupe 1934 Phantom 11 Rolls Royce 1934 1101 Roadster 1934 1101 Coupe 1934 V12 Opera coupe 1936 120 |
Re: 833 packard cigar lighter info
Forum Ambassador
Is this lighter on a cord where the whole cord pulls out or is it like the later ones where there is a hole the separate lighter portion is pushed into.
If like the later ones, one terminal will be to the center post and the other to the shell or chrome ring or metal surrounding the hole. In that case the "hot" wire will go to the one in the center. Just to be sure, pull the lighter portion out and use a meter to check. If the terminal on the side is connecting to the shell or outer edge of exposed metal on the lighter you do not want the hot wire there. It will be a direct short. If the lighter is on a cord then do a meter check and see if either terminal is going to a part of the lighter that could touch any dash metal when the lighter is installed. You do not want the hot wire there as again, a short.
Posted on: 2017/5/11 15:05
Re: 833 packard cigar lighter info
Home away from home
If you have a mint condition unit, there should be a tag indicating how to wire the thing. However, no clubs I am aware of care about cigarette lighters and those cable unit elements are old and very fragile. So I would just leave the thing disconnected.
I thought I had a picture but I can't find it. Anyway, if you extended the cable you should be able to determine the wiring using an Ohmmeter. There will be continuity between two points and no continuity with the cable retracted. If there is continuity between the one point and ground then that is the ground. If both posts do not have continuity to ground the unit is mutually exclusive and it doesn't matter how it is wired.
Posted on: 2017/5/11 15:05
Re: 833 packard cigar lighter info
Home away from home
mine is one that pulls out and was working fine before i messed with it.
Im one of those guys that wants everything to work, so Im eager to correct my error. Thanks Guys
Posted on: 2017/5/11 15:17
1925 333 Phaeton
1926 Phantom 1 Rolls Royce 1926 Hudon super six Coupe 1927 Peerless Roadster 1927 433 7 passenger limo 1928 Peerless coupe 1929 Peerless Boatail coupe 1929 Phantom I Rolls Royce 1930 Springfield Phantom 1 Regent 1931 L-29 Cord 1931 833 Convertible 1931 833 Opera Coupe 1934 Phantom 11 Rolls Royce 1934 1101 Roadster 1934 1101 Coupe 1934 V12 Opera coupe 1936 120 |
Re: 833 packard cigar lighter info
Home away from home
That's fine, but carry extra fuses. I knew someone whose fuse would blow when they hit a bump. It was that cigarette lighter.
If I find the picture I will post it. Anyway, I found the picture and I will try to post it. The label on the center stud says "Ground" so the other stud must be for the Battery supply. Again this should be verified using an ohmmeter to ensure there are no internal short circuits.
Posted on: 2017/5/11 15:22
Re: 833 packard cigar lighter info
Home away from home
Thanks Tim, I feel silly for not recording the correct way to hook up these two wires.
I appreciate your help Barry
Posted on: 2017/5/11 21:12
1925 333 Phaeton
1926 Phantom 1 Rolls Royce 1926 Hudon super six Coupe 1927 Peerless Roadster 1927 433 7 passenger limo 1928 Peerless coupe 1929 Peerless Boatail coupe 1929 Phantom I Rolls Royce 1930 Springfield Phantom 1 Regent 1931 L-29 Cord 1931 833 Convertible 1931 833 Opera Coupe 1934 Phantom 11 Rolls Royce 1934 1101 Roadster 1934 1101 Coupe 1934 V12 Opera coupe 1936 120 |