Re: Help getting my 51 started?
Forum Ambassador
Since you didn't mention the distributor have you checked the points and condensor etc. Try a search on site or refer to a manual which you can download here also and check out the possibilities.It may be something simple like mis adjusted points or poor connection.
Posted on: 2010/3/21 14:28
Dave |
Re: Help getting my 51 started?
Forum Ambassador
Am assuming you have 6 volts at the coil on the yellowish wire coming from ignition switch when it is on. If so, in addition to Clipper47s suggestions to check, also remove the wire at distributor coming from coil and just tap it to the block checking for spark from the coil. If you have spark then, look carefully at distributor and make sure all is good and the dist is grounded well. There is a little usually black cloth covered flexible wire inside distributor between outside terminal and points. Make sure it is in good shape but not grounded except when points are closed. If there is no 6v or no spark when tapping the block, look toward ignition switch. The coil should be directly connected to the "coil" terminal on switch.
Posted on: 2010/3/21 14:44
Re: Help getting my 51 started?
Home away from home
I'm a little confused.
Will the engine turn over ? Or does it turn over and not start ? Or did I miss something in the 1st post ?
Posted on: 2010/3/21 19:02
Re: Help getting my 51 started?
Forum Ambassador
You changed the post! Seems like maybe your battery is just weak. How long have you owned the car and have you ever had it running?
Posted on: 2010/3/21 19:17
Dave |
Re: Help getting my 51 started?
Forum Ambassador
I turn the key and nothing happens.
Posted on: 2010/3/21 19:26
Re: Help getting my 51 started?
Quite a regular
1947 clipper I've had the car for two years and a friend of mine got the motor to crank the thing is I can't remember what he did. I do know that the carb wasn't on at the time so I figured he must of got the starter to turn the motor (i guest). Any suggestions or points. thanks in advance.
Posted on: 2010/3/21 19:29
Re: Help getting my 51 started?
Forum Ambassador
Well if the wiring harness hasn't been modified the engine was probably turned over by shorting the two wires on the carb switch so I would start there (no pun intended). Look at the carburetor for the plastic piece with two wires as mentioned by HH56. Check with test light or multimeter to see if there is 6 volts at one of the wires with the ignition switch on. If there is turn the throttle linkage at the carb to full throttle and see if the engine cranks or simply jump the two wires together and see what happens. Put the transmission into neutral/park with emergency brake on first!
Posted on: 2010/3/21 19:56
Dave |
Re: Help getting my 51 started?
Quite a regular
Is this the black plastic piece on the carb that your talking about. If so can you explain or tell me where i can figure out how to connect it. I found a set of wires hanging at the back of the fire wall but the wires have no marking on them?
Posted on: 2010/3/21 20:07
Re: Help getting my 51 started?
Forum Ambassador
That is the switch and those are probably the wires. They are in pretty sad shape though. From the looks of them with ign switch on, just touching them should turn the motor if still connected to solenoid and ign switch. Strongly suggest taping them up as well as any others you find in that condition. If lucky, you may be able to peel back the black tape a bit and see the colors. If correct ones, whiteish with green stripe should go to solenoid and yellow with red to ign switch. The blackish one with the plastic connector is probably for heater blower motor.
Posted on: 2010/3/21 20:18