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Re: Temperature gauge repair
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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Usually if that type gauge stays at the high end, it has been damaged in some way. Most common is over pressurized causing the bourdon tube inside to expand and permanently deform-- although there could be a problem with the linkage between the tube and needle.

Attach file:

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209_4ba6df6d2fb3e.jpg 381X293 px

Posted on: 2010/3/21 21:56
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Re: Temperature gauge repair
Home away from home
Home away from home

Tom (Packin31)
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Thanks again for John Wolfs contact info. I have sent him my Temp Gauge along with the Fuel Gauge for repair and also the Speedometer to have the numbers refreshed.

Will post on the outcome of the repairs when I get my them back.

Posted on: 2010/3/23 5:49
1931 833 468 Coupe
Packard Registry|1931 Project Blog
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Re: Temperature gauge repair
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Tom Laferriere
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What was the outcome of the temp gauge repair? I am looking to have mine serviced on the 34.

Posted on: 2010/5/24 11:20
Tom Laferriere - Smithfield, RI

1934 Packard 1101 5 Passenger Coupe
1934 Packard 1104 Touring
1937 Packard 120 Convertible Coupe (Unrestored)
1939 Packard 120 Coupe (in family since 1970)

PH: 401.651.2295
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Re: Temperature gauge repair
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Tom (Packin31)
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My bad for going off......

Posted on: 2010/5/24 13:05
1931 833 468 Coupe
Packard Registry|1931 Project Blog
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Re: Temperature gauge repair
Forum Ambassador
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The chrome and nickel plater I've used for quite a few decades always provides an estimate of cost, though occasionally he will provide some wiggle room if the repair needs are extensive or especially complicated. The only problem I've ever had with him, none about quality, are that since he gets most of his volume from major restoration houses, individuals tend to get long delivery times and even those are sometimes postponed quite a while. But the work is among the best anywhere.

Posted on: 2010/5/24 13:13
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Re: Temperature gauge repair
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Tom (Packin31)
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Big Kev,

Is there a way to delete ones own post?

Posted on: 2010/5/24 13:23
1931 833 468 Coupe
Packard Registry|1931 Project Blog
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Re: Temperature gauge repair
Home away from home
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Unfortunately those two things probably should had been the first to go out when you started you restoration. When I did my dash, I sent them out in October and got them back around May. A lot of these shops that do fine work have a long line in front of you.

Also if they do their business that provides volume, that really pays their bills so they tend to favor not the little guy. You may not like it but what happens when the big restoration shop says I need this done quickly? The gauge shop relaizes that he stands to lose a lot of business if he doesn't help the restoration shop out. If he loses you, it doesn't mean that much.

When I sent my stuff to Paul's plating you don't have to worry about an estimate. They quote you up front and money is required before they start. However you are guaranteed no big surprises.

Posted on: 2010/5/24 21:52
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Re: Temperature gauge repair
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Tom (Packin31)
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Once I receive the gauges back I will post a reply with pictures.

Have a a great day.

Posted on: 2010/5/25 5:24
1931 833 468 Coupe
Packard Registry|1931 Project Blog
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Re: Temperature gauge repair
Home away from home
Home away from home

Tom (Packin31)
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Just to let you know my gauges are on their way home.

Cost breakdown

Speedometer = $225
Fuel Gauge = $110
Temp Gauge = $135

I may have swapped the cost between the fuel and temp gauge but at-least you get and idea of cost.

For the speed-do he had some OEM/NOS wheels and replace mine with them. He told me on the phone if he were to redo the numbers by hand the cost would of been in the ball park figure of $645 I think. I am sure glad he had the OEM/NOS ones.

Will post picture on arrival.

Posted on: 2010/5/28 14:20
1931 833 468 Coupe
Packard Registry|1931 Project Blog
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Re: Temperature gauge repair
Home away from home
Home away from home

Tom (Packin31)
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The box was waiting at our door yesterday. I did take some pictures but they are not really worth posting because they don't look any different then when I sent them out.

Have a few issues. One they had the mount for the speedo 180 degrees off. No problem just take the little screws out and rotate it. Well once rotated the gauge face was 180 degrees off now. Looked it over and for some reason they had popped the face off from its mounting rivets which there was no really need to since they did have to reface it. They glued the face back in place. Now what? Well luckily they didn't over glue it. I was able to take a small screw driver and knock the glue off. Rotated gauge and used a tiny bit of Black gasket maker just to hold it in place.

Other questions and issues. Where do I pour the fluid in for the gas gauge and also when I tipped the fuel gauge over two little rods came out of the tube where the line from the gas tank hooks up to. Is there a purpose for these rods?

Also the white background on the gas gauge seems to move around and doesn't line up correctly.

For operational on the gauges I will have to follow up at a later date since car is will be out of service for a week or so while the oil pan is being welded.

I will be calling him back today just to let him know I received the package and to inform him of the mistake on the speedo and the lose white background on fuel gauge.

For the cost of repair I don't see the justification. I think if I ever do another restoration I will just keep the patina on things.

Sorry for long post but I thought I just share my experience

Posted on: 2010/6/3 6:07
1931 833 468 Coupe
Packard Registry|1931 Project Blog
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