Re: Starter Motor Lubrication
Forum Ambassador
The cap oiler is at the forward end to oil the bushing or bearing. If your oiler is missing, they're readily available from any of the industrial supply houses like MSC and McMaster-Carr.
There is no lubrication provision for the drive end.
Posted on: 2011/5/26 12:41
Re: Starter Motor Lubrication
Home away from home
I searched high and low for the hinge cap oiler or even a small threaded port for a hinge cap oiler on the front/forward end of the the starter motor. I can't find anything. Is it possible some starters are not so equipped? There is a flexible steel band that clamps on to the front of the starter that, when removed exposes the brushes and commutator (?). Is the oiler possibly located in this area? If not, would it be ill advised to shoot some WD40 onto the forward area of the shaft with the spring steel band removed? I appreciate your thoughts.
Posted on: 2011/5/27 19:48
Re: Starter Motor Lubrication
Forum Ambassador
If you have an Autolite, it is possible there is no oil hole. The Delco has one as shown but the Autolite appears to not in it's picture. The 54 manual mentions lubing the Delco in the instructions but doesn't specify any procedure for the Autolite whereas the 55-6 manual on Autolite shows the same picture of the motor end and says there is no oiling. I would not use WD40 as it will get on the commutator.
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Posted on: 2011/5/27 20:31
Re: Starter Motor Lubrication
Home away from home
That is some great information. I will leave well enough alone until reconditioning of the motor is required. I will try to verify if the unit is manufactured by Autolite. Based on your info and schematics, it must be. Thanks for all your effort in this reply!
Posted on: 2011/5/27 20:39