Re: Converting back to six volt
If any of the 6 volt wire is original, then its probably overdue for a replacement. The insulation by now is probably brittle.
Since it sounds like it's a bit of a hodge podge between the 6v and 12v stuff. It maybe be easier to just bite the bullet and replace everything with a new reproduction 6v harness. Then everything will be back to factory, but with new, safe wiring.
Posted on: 2024/5/6 8:53
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Converting back to six volt
Home away from home
Definite hodgepodge, however, they did replace all of original wiring with correct gauge when doing the half and half conversion so I think the wiring is all safe…
Posted on: 2024/5/6 9:26
Re: Converting back to six volt
Home away from home
Try jumping one 6V battery to the starter. On mine the field coils were changed to 12V so the starter would not work on 6V. (Smart move if you are running 12V as using 12 on the old starter could shatter the bendix drive)
If your engine turns over on the 6V you are fine. You can get a 6V coil pack and rebuild the starter if it has had the 12V change done. Bob J.
Posted on: 2024/5/6 9:29
Re: Converting back to six volt
Home away from home
Ok had starter rebuilt recently they did not mention any change I will do the test tks
Posted on: 2024/5/6 9:40
Re: Converting back to six volt
Home away from home
Any thoughts on accessing the ammeter to rewire?
Posted on: 2024/5/6 12:13
Re: Converting back to six volt
Home away from home
Start by disconnecting the battery, you are dealing with full battery amperage here.
I removed the seat base and laid on the passenger side floor boards with the door open. Clip a light up under the dash for best viewing. The ammeter is pretty simple, one wire goes from the hot side of the starter solenoid, another wire goes out to the rest of the car. It is the 1st link in the chain after the starter so it can read the amperage use for the car's whole system. There is a wiring diagram in the 37 owners manual here on the "Literature Archive" page, search under "Show by Year" and click on 1937, it is on the list 15 titles down and the schematic is on page 9. The wires are held to the back of the ammeter by two nuts, (one in one out in series) with fork or hoop style ends. Bob J.
Posted on: 2024/5/6 13:58
Re: Converting back to six volt
Home away from home
Ok thank you bob! This sounds like I can rewire it correctly back to six volts without removing the ammeter .. if not it seems there are four nuts holding it on if I have to remove it in order to wire it..
Posted on: 2024/5/6 16:23
Re: Converting back to six volt
The Amp meter itself has just two terminals studs. Luckily you can't really hurt it. Either it will read correctly, or backwards. If it reads backwards, just swap the wires on the terminals.
But curious why they installed a new one under the dash? Amp meters don't really care about voltage. The one in my 115-C works just find on 12v.
Posted on: 2024/5/6 16:29
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Converting back to six volt
Home away from home
I have no idea …hopefully get into this weekend and see what’s going on..will report back..tks for the help
Posted on: 2024/5/8 6:57