Re: Wire inside distributor
Forum Ambassador
It's not resistor wire but is extremely flexible wire. Napa did carry some various length and configurations. Probably still do but maybe not in all stores.
Posted on: 2013/1/15 21:48
Re: Wire inside distributor
Home away from home
Howard thank you for the help. I have been having some grounding issues with the points. I have two questions. First is there supposed to be a grounding wire from the base of the points to the plate or is it grounded by contact. Second the picture of the points in the manual shows a bakelite insulation pad on the points. Neither of my sets of points had this pad and it was running fine. Issue is when I crank the car there is no dwell but when I ground the base of the points to the plate then I have dwell. Thanks.
Posted on: 2013/1/16 9:15
Re: Wire inside distributor
Forum Ambassador
Delco used the ground wire between plate and case but not sure how on Autolite. There is an illustration of the Delco arrangement in Service Manual electrical section, figure 21.
Have never seen a set of points without some kind of insulator contact block. Not sure how they would function without one either electrically or mechanically. It may not be the brown or black rectangle usually seen though -- possibly a pressed in round button of some sort?? If it is a different arrangement, kind of makes me wonder if someone has adapted something. If a significantly different shape or size than the normal points, I would wonder if the geometry was changed and perhaps that is why you are having dwell issues.
Posted on: 2013/1/16 10:42
Re: Wire inside distributor
Forum Ambassador
The AutoLite distributors that I'm familiar with are those with the rotating breaker plate mounted to the fixed plate via a greased ball bearing, they absolutely used a ground strap, it's essential.
Posted on: 2013/1/16 10:49
Re: Wire inside distributor
Home away from home
I used the points that were cross referenced in the parts section for the autolite distributor. They looked exactly like the ones that I took off the car. There was no visible pad on those either but the car ran well. I have no ground strap so I think that is my issue along with the primarly lead wire that is junk. I will replace those two things, get the distributor back in the car and reevaluate.
Thanks Guys.
Posted on: 2013/1/16 11:13