E15 and E85 Fuels are Here
Home away from home
Here is a link to a Fox News interview about the damages E15 and E85 fuels can do to fuel systems. We have all been aware of this, but here it is in prime time.
youtube.com/embed/ceW9Nc1hVHU?feature=player_detailpage (o{}o)
Posted on: 2015/5/21 12:40
We move toward
And make happen What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer) |
Re: E15 and E85 Fuels are Here
Home away from home
I had a chainsaw engine seize (new saw) despite having correct fuel: oil ratio. The dealer said under no circumstances use E10 in it as quite a few people had the same problem. He reckoned the E10 reacted with the 2-stroke oil and caused a loss of lubrication quality. Fortunately you can still get E10-free gas here but - yep! - it's generally more expensive.
Posted on: 2015/5/21 18:59
1951 Packard Club Sedan | [url=ht
Re: E15 and E85 Fuels are Here
Home away from home
What brand and model of chain saw??? Approximately what year was the chain saw manufactured??
Posted on: 2015/5/21 20:36
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f
packardinfo.com/xoops/html/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=7245 |
Re: E15 and E85 Fuels are Here
Home away from home
THe Fox analyst missed the point and glossed over it very fast.
LISTEN CLOSE at the 2 minute mark of the video: The ethanol is mixxed with the gasoline AT THE PUMP which is at the gas station. So what is happening is that the mixxing process is UNreliable to the extent that one mite get anywhere from a 15% mix al the way to maybe 100% Ethanol. REMEBER, depending on a dealer or dealer equipment is about as reliable as the squirt of a grape fruit. OTherwise, The 15% (IF ACTUAL 15%) ethanol would make little to no difference relative to 10%. I mean WTF, it's only another 5%.
Posted on: 2015/5/21 20:50
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f
packardinfo.com/xoops/html/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=7245 |