Re: Pinstriping on a 1932 901
Forum Ambassador
I sympathize, I've had many conversations with restorers and experts on prewar senior Packards over many years and I don't believe there is a repository of original or factory information of this type. I was so fortunate when I bought my '34 that I had the foresight to photograph the still visible remains of the original striping and used that as reference when I had I restriped. Obviously your best bet would be to find an unmolested 901 with the same body style and hope the striping is still visible. Or, possibly and maybe even probably someone else has already done this - the person I suggest you contact would be Mr. Jim Pearsall in Zarapath, NJ - his contact info is in the PAC membership directory. Jim's pretty much the acknowledged expert on the Packards of the early 30s and he is personally familiar with many of those still surviving - there really isn't anyone more knowledgeable. If someone has researched the striping and authenticated it, Jim would know.
My only other advice (on line widths), THINK THIN!!!
Posted on: 2016/10/11 15:39
Re: Pinstriping on a 1932 901
Home away from home
Thanks for the quick response. I dropped an email to Jim and will be contacting Skip in the library at the Nethercutt Museum.
Posted on: 2016/10/11 17:31
Re: Pinstriping on a 1932 901
Home away from home
A few pictures of pin striping done on a 901. Hope these help. Dave
Posted on: 2016/10/12 20:04
Re: Pinstriping on a 1932 901
Home away from home
Dave (A.K.A. 32Model901),
I apologize for taking so long to get back to you, but thanks for the pictures. There is nothing like a photo to say something. Do you know how wide the pin striping and do you have any closeups of the wheels?
Posted on: 2016/10/20 19:09
Re: Pinstriping on a 1932 901
Home away from home
Actually, the Detroit Public Library has very good photos of original pin striping from that era. The stripe on the above 901 is too wide. After looking at the factory photos in the Detroit Library, it can be determined that the width of the strip should be about half that width.
Also, the striping on the wheels of the above 901 do not look correct.
Posted on: 2016/10/21 10:23
West Peterson
1930 Packard Speedster Eight boattail (SOLD) 1940 Packard 1808 w/Factory Air (SOLD) 1947 Chrysler Town and Country sedan 1970 Camaro RS 1936 Cord phaeton |
Re: Pinstriping on a 1932 901
Home away from home
It's in Turnquist's book. It even shows your car.
Posted on: 2016/10/21 16:00
Re: Pinstriping on a 1932 901
Home away from home
A few more, different models, factory photos.
Posted on: 2016/10/22 12:21
Re: Pinstriping on a 1932 901
Home away from home
Additional details.
Posted on: 2016/10/22 15:12
Re: Pinstriping on a 1932 901
Home away from home
Thanks to All - For your inputs and the pictures. I ordered copies from the Detroit Library several weeks ago and should receive them any day now.
I finished installing exhaust system today. I've fired up the engine for the first time earlier in the month and did so after the install. I backed it into the garage this afternoon on it's own power. I would venture to guess this is the first time it has been driven in the last 12 to 15 years. I'll take some pictures of the pin striping after I get it done, which may be a while. The person who is going to do the striping has done pin striping for the Nethercutt Museum. Next "Biggie" for the car is the interior. Again THANKS!
Posted on: 2016/10/22 18:35